SOSI Generell objektkatalog\Grus og pukk\Grus og pukk 5.0 Utkast\Grus og pukk SOSI og Inspire\Geology
SOSI Generell objektkatalog\Grus og pukk\Grus og pukk 5.0 Utkast\Grus og pukk SOSI og Inspire\MineralResourcesExtension
-- Definition -- The process of extracting metallic, non-metallic mineral, or industrial rock deposits from the Earth. -- Description -- The term may also include preliminary treatment eg. cleaning or sizing.
Geometrien til en stedfestet massetakobjekt -- Definition -- A spatial representation of a MiningFeature. -- Description -- A MiningFeatureOccurrence provides a link between a notional feature (description package) and one spatial representation of it, or part of it. The MiningFeatureOccurrence carries a geometry and the association with a Mining Feature provides specification of all the other descriptors.
økonomisk interessant råstofftype fra en mineralforekomst -- Definition -- The material of economic interest in the EarthResource
område som antas å inneholde bergarter som har et potensiale til å kunne utnyttes som pukkråstoff (knust fjell)
langstrakt, smal og ofte slynget rygg eller ås av lagdelt og sortert sand, grus eller rullestein, dannet ved avsetning fra smeltevannelver i en tunnel under eller inne i en isbre
klassifisering av ulike typer mineralforekomster etter forekomsttype og dannelse/prosess. -- Definition -- Systematically arranged information describing the essential attributes of a class of mineral deposits. It may be empirical (descriptive) or theoretical (genetic).
beskrivelse av typer av undersøkelser og tidsrom for undersøkelsen -- Definition -- A period of exploration activity.
lokalitet hvor det er tatt (innsamlet) prøve(r) for videre bearbeidelse/analyse
område representert ved et punkt hvor det skal foretas en eller flere borehullundersøkelser - også kalt logisk borehull i motsetning til borhullundersøkelse som representerer hvert fysiske borehull Merknad: Det logiske borehullet har en posisjon som representerer de fysiske borhullundersøkelsene foretatt i området <engelsk> borehole consists of one or more physical borehole investigations. The borehole has a position, representing a collection of borehole investigations. The position of the borehole is often given the same position as one of the asscoated borehole investigations. The associated borehole investigations should be in a reasonable short distance (e.g. 0,5 m) from the position of the borehole. </engelsk>
verdifastsettelse av en råstofftype fra en mineralforekomst (basert på om denne representerer en reserve, ressurs eller en mulig fremtidig ressurs). Dersom en mineralforekomst vurderes som en ressurs eller en reserve, er egenskapen obligatorisk -- Definition -- A measure of the amount of the commodity based on a Reserve, Resource or Endowment calculation. -- Description -- Where OreMeasure is Resource or Reserve CommodityMeasure is mandatory
representere både tidligere og fremtidig uttak av råstoffet -- Definition -- The quantity of a mineral (or a group of minerals for industrial rocks) in accumulations (deposits) meeting specified physical characteristics such as quality, size and depth. -- Description -- Usually includes Resources, as unlike the latter, it does not have to have prospects for "eventual economic extraction". It often includes the total amount of a commodity originally introduced to a particular location during the deposit forming processes - and thus can include resources, reserves, past production and mining and metallurgical losses.
mineralforekomst som ved sin utforming, mineralsammensetning, kvalitet og størrelse representerer en økonomisk ressurs -- Definition -- An accumulation of material of intrinsic economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form, quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for economic extraction. -- Description -- Synonyms: Mineral Resource; Coal Resource (s); Diamond (Gemstone) Resource; Potentially Mineable Mineralisation.
-- Definition -- The economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. -- Description -- It includes diluting materials and allowances for losses, which may occur when the material is mined. ‘Marketable Coal Reserves’ maybe reported in conjunction with, but not instead of, reports of Ore (Coal) Reserves. ‘Saleable product’ (e.g. for industrial minerals) can be reported in conjunction with ore reserve. Synonyms: Ore Reserve; Coal Reserve (s); Diamond (or gemstone) Ore Reserve; Mineral Reserves (not preferred, should be stated that used to mean the same as JORC’s Ore Reserve); Mineable production estimates
-- Definition -- A data type indicating the Mine Name and whether it is the preferred name.
-- Definition -- Values indicating the type of commodity. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: Cu, Au, Dimension Stone etc.
hvor stor betydning en mineralregistrering har med tanke på mulig økonomisk utnyttelse nå eller for framtiden. Skal dokumenteres
-- Definition -- Values indicating the result of the exploration activity.
-- Definition -- Codes indicating the means used to calculate the ore measurement. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: JORC, PERC, Unspecified, UNESCO/World Bank and the Canadian CIM.
-- Definition -- Values indicating the grouping of mineral deposits on the basis of their generic characteristics. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: host rock, host structure, commodity, association with similar mineral processes e.g. porphyry.
-- Definition -- Values indicating the style of mineral occurrence or deposit. -- Description -- Generally a local or regional term. Should be referenced for definitions and descriptions. Single deposit terms may form member of a Mineral Deposit Group in local and regional schemas.
-- Definition -- Indication whether the resource is measured, indicated, or inferred.
-- Definition -- Values indicating the end-use potential of the mineral. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: for energy, fertilizer, building raw material etc.
-- Definition -- The type of mining activity, processing activity, or production.
-- Definition -- Values indicating the type of processing carried out during a mining activity.
-- Definition -- Values indicating the importance of the commodity for the Earth Resource. -- Description -- Such a ranking is based on a statistical study of a large set of deposits throughout the world to ensure that it is valid. It is made using histograms allowing for each commodity to define class boundaries and what is a very large, a large, a medium-sized etc deposit for this commodity.. This classification is based on the potential or endowment: reserves + resources.
hvilken type mineralforekomst dette er i en økonomisk betraktning -- Definition -- The type of mineral occurrence. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: prospect, occurrence, mineral deposit, ore deposit.
abstrakt klasse for økonomisk verdisetting av en mineralforekomst -- Definition -- The estimate of the Reserve, Resource or Endowment ore amount.
areal hvor det er foretatt deponering av ulike typer masse (Eks. steintipper, avfallsvelter fra bergverk, slamdeponi m.m
avgrensning av selve uttaksområdet for ulike type råstoff. Avgrensingen kan også være gjengitt i FKB-data.
abstrakt objektype for massetak (superklasse) som overordnet beskriver ulike typer massetak -- Definition -- Spatial object type grouping the common properties of mines and mining activities.
er avgrensningen av et område hvor det er/har vært foretatt uttak av ulike typer råstoffer, eller hvor det foretas deponering av ulike typer råstoff. Kan være både underjordsdrift, dagbrudd og åpme masseuttak. Kan også presenteres som et punkt. Masseuttak er en fortolkning/oversetting av det INSPIRE betegner som ”Mine”, men som da innbefatter flere typer råstoffuttak, og ikke bare gruve eller bergverk. Vil være knyttet til en forekomst og/eller registrering. Dagbrudd/massetak arealdefineres og kartfestes i samarbeid med Statens kartverk. -- Definition -- An excavation carried out for the extraction of mineral deposits. -- Description -- ‘True’ mines are underground workings and open-pit workings (also called open-sky mines) generally for the extraction of metallic commodities. The Mine feature also includes open workings generally for the extraction of industrial minerals, commonly referred to as quarries.
abstrakt mineralressursfenomen (superklasse) som overordnet beskriver ikke-økonomiske og økonomiske mineralressurser -- Definition -- The kinds of observable or inferred phenomena required to classify economic and non-economic earth resources.
registrering av en mineralansamling (opphopning, konsentrering) i naturen. -- Definition -- A mineral accumulation in the lithosphere.