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Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket) Ukjent 3.0rc3


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RastoffVerdiAngivelse datatype

verdifastsettelse av en råstofftype fra en mineralforekomst (basert på om denne representerer en reserve, ressurs eller en mulig fremtidig ressurs). Dersom en mineralforekomst vurderes som en ressurs eller en reserve, er egenskapen obligatorisk -- Definition -- A measure of the amount of the commodity based on a Reserve, Resource or Endowment calculation. -- Description -- Where OreMeasure is Resource or Reserve CommodityMeasure is mandatory

RastoffTotalAktiva datatype

representere både tidligere og fremtidig uttak av råstoffet -- Definition -- The quantity of a mineral (or a group of minerals for industrial rocks) in accumulations (deposits) meeting specified physical characteristics such as quality, size and depth. -- Description -- Usually includes Resources, as unlike the latter, it does not have to have prospects for "eventual economic extraction". It often includes the total amount of a commodity originally introduced to a particular location during the deposit forming processes - and thus can include resources, reserves, past production and mining and metallurgical losses.

Ressurs datatype

mineralforekomst som ved sin utforming, mineralsammensetning, kvalitet og størrelse representerer en økonomisk ressurs -- Definition -- An accumulation of material of intrinsic economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form, quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for economic extraction. -- Description -- Synonyms: Mineral Resource; Coal Resource (s); Diamond (Gemstone) Resource; Potentially Mineable Mineralisation.

Reserve datatype

-- Definition -- The economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. -- Description -- It includes diluting materials and allowances for losses, which may occur when the material is mined. ‘Marketable Coal Reserves’ maybe reported in conjunction with, but not instead of, reports of Ore (Coal) Reserves. ‘Saleable product’ (e.g. for industrial minerals) can be reported in conjunction with ore reserve. Synonyms: Ore Reserve; Coal Reserve (s); Diamond (or gemstone) Ore Reserve; Mineral Reserves (not preferred, should be stated that used to mean the same as JORC’s Ore Reserve); Mineable production estimates

MineralressursDimensjon datatype

-- Definition -- The size and volume of the earth resource.

MineName datatype

-- Definition -- A data type indicating the Mine Name and whether it is the preferred name.