Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
økonomisk interessant råstofftype fra en mineralforekomst
The material of economic interest in the EarthResource
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
rastoffViktighet |
hvor viktig råstoffuttaket er vurdert til å være
RastoffViktighetVerdi |
1..1 |
rastoffType |
hvilken type råstoff det gjelder (er en ekvivalent til SOSI matrialType
RastoffTypeKode |
1..1 |
rastoffRangering |
Integer |
1..1 |
rastoffVolum |
1..* |
Navn |
Type |
Lengde |
Multiplisitet |
RastoffViktighetVerdi |
1..1 |
RastoffTypeKode |
1..1 |
Integer |
1..1 |
1..* |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
rastoffViktighet |
RastoffViktighetVerdi |
commodityImportance |
The importance of the deposit for the commodity.
-- Description --
Several commodities may be of interest inside a deposit. A deposit may be a very large deposit for one commodity (this commodity is the main one) and only a medium-sized deposit for some other commodities. Such a ranking is based on a statistical study of a large set of deposits throughout the world to ensure that it is valid. It is made using histograms allowing for each commodity to define class boundaries and what is a super large, a large, a medium-sized etc deposit for this commodity. This classification is based on the potential or endowment: reserves + resources. |
rastoffType |
RastoffTypeKode |
commodityValue |
The earth resource commodity.
-- Description --
EXAMPLE: Cu, Au, Dimension Stone etc. |
rastoffRangering |
Integer |
commodityRank |
The rank of the commodity.
-- Description --
Commodity rank is based on endowment, i.e. (cumulated) past production + reserves (not including past production) + resources, or if the deposit has never been exploited, reserves + resources. A statistical comparison with a large set of deposits throughout the world enables the determination of the deposit as class A (very large), B (large), or C (medium-sized) for a particular commodity, and also which commodity is the main one, the 2nd one, etc. The rank of a commodity is thus not based on political or economic considerations. |
rastoffVolum |
CommodityCodeValue |
Vis RastoffType i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
RastoffViktighetVerdi |
1 ..1 |
RastoffTypeKode |
1 ..1 |
Integer |
1 ..1 |
1 ..* |