-- Definition -- A configuration of matter in the Earth based on describable inhomogeneity, pattern, or fracture in an earth material. -- Description -- The identity of a GeologicStructure is independent of the material that is the substrate for the structure.
-- Definition -- An abstract spatial object type describing the shape and nature of the Earth's land surface (ie, a landform). -- Description -- These landforms may be created by natural Earth processes (eg, river channel, beach, moraine, mountain) or through human (anthropogenic) activity (eg, dredged channel, reclaimed land, mine waste dumps).
-- Definition -- An identifiable event during which one or more geological processes act to modify geological entities. -- Description -- A GeologicEvent should have a specified geologic age and process, and may have a specified environment. An example might be a cratonic uplift event during which erosion, sedimentation, and volcanism all take place. A GeologicEvent age can represent an instant in time or an interval of time.
-- Definition -- Brittle to ductile style structures along which displacement has occurred. -- Description -- These range from from a simple, single 'planar' brittle or ductile surface to a fault system comprised of tens of strands of both brittle and ductile nature.
-- Definition -- A geomorphologic feature (ie, landform) which has been created by human activity. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: dredged channel, midden, open pit, reclaimed land.
-- Definition -- A borehole is the generalized term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground.
-- Definition -- One or more systematically curved layers, surfaces, or lines in a rock body. -- Description -- A fold denotes a structure formed by the deformation of a Geologic Structure to form a structure that may be described by the translation of an abstract line (the fold axis) parallel to itself along some curvilinear path (the fold profile). Folds have a hinge zone (zone of maximum curvature along the surface) and limbs (parts of the deformed surface not in the hinge zone).
-- Definition -- A collection of geological or geophysical objects. -- Description -- Geologic objects are commonly grouped into collections such as geological maps, thematic maps, or the required input to a geological model.
-- Definition -- A special kind of mapped feature whose shape is a 1-D interval and which uses the SRS of the containing borehole.
-- Definition -- A volume of rock with distinct characteristics. -- Description -- Includes both formal units (i.e. formally adopted and named in an official lexicon) and informal units (i.e. named but not promoted to the lexicon) and unnamed units (i.e. recognisable and described and delineable in the field but not otherwise formalised). Spatial properties are only available through association with a MappedFeature.
den geometriske representasjonen av et geologisk objekt Eksempel: et geologirelatert areal (polygon) presentert på kart. -- Definition -- A spatial representation of a GeologicFeature. -- Description -- A MappedFeature is part of a geological interpretation. It provides a link between a notional feature (description package) and one spatial representation of it, or part of it (exposures, surface traces and intercepts, etc) which forms the specific bounded occurrence, such as an outcrop or map polygon.
-- Definition -- A geomorphologic feature (ie, landform) that has been created by natural Earth processes. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: river channel, beach ridge, caldera, canyon, moraine, mud flat.
-- Definition -- The composition of a geologic unit in terms of lithological constituents.
-- Definition -- A generic thematic classifier to enable the reclassification of Geologic Features with user defined classes appropriate to thematic maps. -- Description -- This datatype allows Geologic Features to be classified against thematic classes. This provides a generic means of delivering geological thematic map data.
-- Definition -- Terms specifying recognised geological time units.
-- Definition -- Terms describing the type of geologic unit. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: GeologicUnit, AllostratigraphicUnit etc
-- Definition -- Terms indicating the surface on which the MappedFeature is projected.
-- Definition -- List of thematic classifications for geologic features.
-- Definition -- Purposes for which a borehole was drilled. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: mineral exploration, water pumping, site evaluation, stratigraphic research, etc.
-- Definition -- Roles that a compositional part plays in a geologic unit.
-- Definition -- Terms describing the type of natural geomorphologic feature.
-- Definition -- Terms describing the type of shear displacement structure. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: thrust fault, normal fault, wrench fault.
-- Definition -- Terms specifying the type of fold. -- Description -- Folds are typed according to the concave/convex geometry of the fold relative to the earth surface, and the relationship to younging direction in folded strata if known. EXAMPLE: antiform, synform, anticline, syncline, etc.
-- Definition -- Terms indicating the level of activity of a geomorphologic feature.
-- Definition -- Terms specifying the process or processes that occurred during an event. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: deposition, extrusion, intrusion, cooling.
-- Definition -- Terms describing the lithology. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: granite, sandstone, schist.
-- Definition -- Terms for the geologic environments within which geologic events take place.
-- Definition -- Values for thematic classification of geologic features.
-- Definition -- Types of collections of geological and geophysical objects. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: geological map, thematic map etc.
-- Definition -- The types of anthropogenic geomorphologic feature.
-- Definition -- A conceptual geological feature that is hypothesized to exist coherently in the world. -- Description -- This corresponds with a "legend item" from a traditional geologic map. While the bounding coordinates of a Geologic Feature may be described, its shape is not. The implemented Geologic Feature instance acts as the "description package"