flytende sjømerke forankret til farlig grunne av begrenset omfang, farbart utenom hindringen Merknad: S-57 BOYISD -- Definition -- buoyant navigation mark anchored to a dangerous shoal of modest scope, passable outside of the obstruction Note: S-57 BOYISD
objekt som hjelper sjøfarende å navigere på sjøen -- Definition -- object which helps mariners to navigate at sea
merker som tjener til veiledning for navigering -- Definition -- marks which serves as a guide for navigation
bunnfaste sjømerker Eks.: varder, jernstenger etc. -- Definition -- Fixed (not floating) navigation marks (cairns, beacons, iron rods, etc.)
flytende sjømerke som brukes som midtmerke i farled og som landkjenningsmerke -- Definition -- floating navigation mark which is used as a mid channel mark in a fairway or as landfall buoy
aggregert objekt som inneholder 2 navigasjonsinnretninger, en heltrukken overettlinje og en navigasjonslinje (hel og stiplet overettlinje) Merknad: Tilsvarer C_AGGR i S-57 -- Definition -- Aggregate object containing 2 navigation devices, a solid leading line and a navigation line (solid and dotted leading line) Note: Corresponds to C_AGGR in S-57
Merknad: S57 CATINB -- Definition - - the category of the installation buoy. Note: S57 CATINB
Merknad: S-57 CATLIT -- Definition - - the category of the light. Note: S-57 CATLIT
(ikke S57) -- Definition - - the Norwegian Coastal Administration's signal response interval as described in its Norwegian List of Lights publication. Note: not S-57
Merknad: S-57 MARSYS -- Definition - - the system of the maritime buoyage and beaconage used for the object. Note: S-57 MARSYS
Merknad: S57 COLOUR -- Definition - - the category of the colour used on lights/marks which are used for navigation. Note: S-57 COLOUR
Merknad: S57 BCNSHP -- Definition - - the category of the characteristic geometric form of the beacon. Note: S57 BCNSHP
Merknad: S57 CATLAM -- Definition - - the category of the cardinal mark. Note: S-57 CATCAM
Merknad: (ikke S-57 -- Definition - - The number of signals, the combination of signals or the morse character(s) within one period of full sequence. Implemented as one Morse code letter, but without brackets, so it is not equivalent to S-57's SIGGRP for racons.
Merknad: S57 TECSOU -- Definition - - the technique used for the sounding measurement. Note: S-57 TECSOU
Merknad: S57 CATLMK -- Definition - - the category of the landmark. Note: S-57 CATLMK
(ikke S-57) -- Definition - - the Norwegian Coastal Administration's categories for modulation of the radio signal as described in its Norwegian List of Lights publication 2002 and 2004. Note: not S-57
Merknad: S57 CATLAM -- Definition - - the category of the lateral mark. Note: S-57 CATLAM
Kystverkets distriktsinneling Merknad: ikke S-57 -- Definition - - the Norwegian Coastal Administration's district or region. Note: not S-57
Merknad: S57 CATPLE -- Definition - - the category of the pile. Note: S-57 CATPLE
(ikke S57, KYVs) -- Definition - - the racon types as described in the Norwegian List of Lights publication. Note: not S-57
Merknad: S57 CONVIS -- Definition - - the category of the visual conspicuousness. Note: S-57 CONVIS
Merknad: S57 FUNCTN) -- Definition - - the category of the object's function. Note: S-57 FUNCTN
Merknad: (ikke S-57) -- Definition - - the category of the Norwegian topmarks. Note: not S-57's TOPSHP
type radarinstallasjon Merknad: S57 CATRTB -- Definition - - the category of the radar transponder beacon. Note: S-57 CATRTB
Merknad: S57 TOPSHP -- Definition - - the category of the IMO topmark / daymark shape. Note: S-57 TOPSHP
Merknad: S57 CATSPM -- Definition - - the category of the special purpose mark. Note: S-57 CATSPM
Merknad: S57 CATRAS -- Definition - - the category of the radar station. Note: S-57 CATRAS
lyskarakteristikk Merknad: S57 LITCHR -- Definition - - the category of the navigational light characteristic. Note: S-57 LITCHR
Merknad: ikke S-57 -- Definition - - a categorization of a racon based on the distance between two successive peaks (or other points of identical phase) on an electromagnetic wave in the radar band of the electromagnetic spectrum. Note: related to S-57 RADWAL. Used by in the Norwegian List of Lights publication.
angir bøyeform/fasong Merknad: (S57 BOYSHP) -- Definition - - the category of a buoy's shape. The principal shapes are those recommended in the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities - IALA System. Note: S-57 BOYSHP
Merknad: S57 CATROS -- Definition - - the category of the radio station. Note: S-57 CATROS
Merknad: S57 COLPAT -- Definition - - the category of the pattern of the colors. Note: S57 COLPAT