


Standardized resource reference
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
title Name by which the cited information is known CharacterString 1..1
alternateTitle Short name or other language name by which the cited information is known. -Example: "Digital Chart of the World" or "DCW" CharacterString 0..*
date Reference date for the cited information CI_Date (datatype) 1..*
- date Date 1..1
- dateType CI_DateTypeCode (kodeliste) 1..1
edition Version of the dataset CharacterString 0..1
editionDate Date of the edition Date 0..1
identifier value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace MD_Identifier 0..*
citedResponsibleParty Name and position information for an individual or organisation that is responsible for the resource. CI_ResponsibleParty (datatype) 0..*
- individualName Name of the responsible person- SURNAME, given name, title separated by a delimiter CharacterString 0..1
- organisationName Name of the responsible organisation CharacterString 0..1
- positionName Role or position of the responsible person CharacterString 0..1
- contactInfo Address of the responsible party CI_Contact (datatype) 0..1
- role Function performed by the responsible party CI_RoleCode (kodeliste) 1..1
presentationForm Mode in which the data is represented CI_PresentationFormCode (kodeliste) 0..*
series Name of the series of which the dataset is a part CI_Series (datatype) 0..1
- name CharacterString 0..1
- issueIdentification CharacterString 0..1
- page CharacterString 0..1
otherCitationDetails Other information required to complete the citation CharacterString 0..1
collectiveTitle Common title with holdings note. CharacterString 0..1
ISBN International Standard Book Number. CharacterString 0..1
ISSN International Standard Serial Number. CharacterString 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
CharacterString 1..1
CharacterString 0..*
CI_Date 1..*
CharacterString 0..1
Date 0..1
MD_Identifier 0..*
CI_ResponsibleParty 0..*
CI_PresentationFormCode 0..*
CI_Series 0..1
CharacterString 0..1
CharacterString 0..1
CharacterString 0..1
CharacterString 0..1
Name Type English Description
title CharacterString
alternateTitle CharacterString
date CI_Date
edition CharacterString
editionDate Date
identifier MD_Identifier
citedResponsibleParty CI_ResponsibleParty
presentationForm CI_PresentationFormCode
series CI_Series
otherCitationDetails CharacterString
collectiveTitle CharacterString
ISBN CharacterString
ISSN CharacterString

Vis CI_Citation i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
CharacterString 1 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..*
CI_Date 1 ..*
CharacterString 0 ..1
Date 0 ..1
MD_Identifier 0 ..*
CI_ResponsibleParty 0 ..*
CI_PresentationFormCode 0 ..*
CI_Series 0 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..1
CharacterString 0 ..1