


Function performed by the responsible party
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
resourceProvider Party that supplies the data resourceProvider
custodian Guardian or keeper responsible for maintaining the data custodian
owner Person who owns the data owner
user Person who uses the data user
distributor Person or organisation who distributes the data distributor
originator Responsible party who created the dataset or metadata originator
pointOfContact Responsible party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the data. pointOfContact
principalInvestigator Key person responsible for gathering information and conducting research principalInvestigator
processor Responsible party who has processed the data in a manner in which the data has been modified. processor
publisher Responsible party who published the data publisher
author author
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
resourceProvider Party that supplies the data
custodian Guardian or keeper responsible for maintaining the data
owner Person who owns the data
user Person who uses the data
distributor Person or organisation who distributes the data
originator Responsible party who created the dataset or metadata
pointOfContact Responsible party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the data.
principalInvestigator Key person responsible for gathering information and conducting research
processor Responsible party who has processed the data in a manner in which the data has been modified.
publisher Responsible party who published the data
Name Type Description Code value
resourceProvider <undefined>
custodian <undefined>
owner <undefined>
user <undefined>
distributor <undefined>
originator <undefined>
pointOfContact <undefined>
principalInvestigator <undefined>
processor <undefined>
publisher <undefined>
author <undefined>

Vis CI_RoleCode i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1