Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
documentDigital |
Piece of written or printed matter that provides a record or evidence of events, an agreement, ownership, identification, etc.. |
documentDigital |
documentHardcopy |
Representation of a map which is printed on paper, photographic material, or other media and can be interpreted directly by the human user |
documentHardcopy |
imageDigital |
Permanent record of the likeness of any natural or man-made features, objects, and activities reproduced on photographic materials. This image can be acquired through the sensing of visual or any other segment of the electromagnetic spectrum by sensors, such as thermal infrared, and high resolution radar. |
imageDigital |
imageHardcopy |
imageHardcopy |
mapDigital |
mapDigital |
mapHardcopy |
mapHardcopy |
modelDigital |
Representation in three dimensions of geospatial data |
modelDigital |
modelHardcopy |
modelHardcopy |
profileDigital |
Vertical cross-section of geospatial data |
profileDigital |
profileHardcopy |
profileHardcopy |
tableDigital |
tableDigital |
tableHardcopy |
tableHardcopy |
videoDigital |
videoDigital |
videoHardcopy |
videoHardcopy |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
documentDigital |
Piece of written or printed matter that provides a record or evidence of events, an agreement, ownership, identification, etc.. |
documentHardcopy |
Representation of a map which is printed on paper, photographic material, or other media and can be interpreted directly by the human user |
imageDigital |
Permanent record of the likeness of any natural or man-made features, objects, and activities reproduced on photographic materials. This image can be acquired through the sensing of visual or any other segment of the electromagnetic spectrum by sensors, such as thermal infrared, and high resolution radar. |
imageHardcopy |
mapDigital |
mapHardcopy |
modelDigital |
Representation in three dimensions of geospatial data |
modelHardcopy |
profileDigital |
Vertical cross-section of geospatial data |
profileHardcopy |
tableDigital |
tableHardcopy |
videoDigital |
videoHardcopy |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Code value |
documentDigital |
<undefined> |
documentHardcopy |
<undefined> |
imageDigital |
<undefined> |
imageHardcopy |
<undefined> |
mapDigital |
<undefined> |
mapHardcopy |
<undefined> |
modelDigital |
<undefined> |
modelHardcopy |
<undefined> |
profileDigital |
<undefined> |
profileHardcopy |
<undefined> |
tableDigital |
<undefined> |
tableHardcopy |
<undefined> |
videoDigital |
<undefined> |
videoHardcopy |
<undefined> |
Vis CI_PresentationFormCode i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
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<undefined> |
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<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |