Egenskap | Stereotype | Beskrivelse | Type | Multiplisitet |
speciesNorwegianName | common norwegian name of the bird species | SpeciesNorwegianName (kodeliste) | 1..1 | |
scientificName | latin name of the bird species | SpeciesLatinName (kodeliste) | 1..1 | |
speciesEnglishName | common english name of the bird species | SpeciesEnglishName (kodeliste) | 1..1 | |
season | season when the counting has been done | Season (kodeliste) | 1..1 | |
estimatedValue | estimated number of birds | Real | 0..1 | |
unit | unit | Unit (kodeliste) | 1..1 | |
estimatedYear | year of the estimation | CharacterString | 1..1 | |
upperLimit95percentConfidenceInterval | øvre grense for 95% konfidensintervall | Real | 0..1 | |
lowerLimit95percentConfidenceInterval | nedre grense for 95 % konfidensintervall | Real | 0..1 | |
range95percentConfidenceInterval | størrelse (range) av 95% konfidensintervall | Real | 0..1 | |
avgLog10BootstrapEstimate | gjennomsnittlig log10-transformerte ”bootstrap”-estimater | Real | 0..1 | |
standardErrorLog10BootstrapEstimate | standard feil av log10-transformerte ”bootstrap”-estimater | Real | 0..1 | |
GridProperties | ||||
area | area over which an object extends | Flate | 1..1 | |
gridId | id of the grid | Integer | 1..1 | |
ocean | ocean where the grid is located | Ocean (kodeliste) | 1..1 | |
GeneralProperties | ||||
identification | Unique identification of an object. | Identification (datatype) | 1..1 | |
- localId | Local identificator, unique within it's namespace - no other objects share the same identificator. | CharacterString | 1..1 | |
- namespace | Namespace uniquely identifying the data source of the object. | CharacterString | 1..1 | |
- versionId | Identification of a certain version of a geographically referenced object. Maximum length is 25 characters. This is in line with ISO 8601. Example: 2007-02-12T12:12:12+05:30. | CharacterString | 1..1 | |
dataCaptureDate | date when the object was registered/observed/measured in the terrain/environment | Date | 0..1 | |
origin | Origin of the data set. | CharacterString | 0..1 | |
updatedDate | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | 0..1 | |
productionDate | Date for the production of the actual data files. | DateTime | 0..1 |
Navn | Type | Lengde | Multiplisitet |
AREA | Flate | 1..1 | |
GRID_ID | Integer | 6 | 1..1 |
OCEAN | Ocean (kodeliste) | 12 | 1..1 |
IDENTIFICATION | Identification (datatype) | 1..1 | |
- LOCAL_ID | CharacterString | 100 | 1..1 |
- NAMESPACE | CharacterString | 100 | 1..1 |
- VERSION_ID | CharacterString | 100 | 1..1 |
DATA_CAPTURE_DATE | Date | 0..1 | |
ORIGIN | CharacterString | 255 | 0..1 |
UPDATED_DATE | DateTime | 0..1 | |
PRODUCTION_DATE | DateTime | 0..1 | |
SPECIES_NORWEGIAN_NAME | SpeciesNorwegianName | 30 | 1..1 |
SPECIES_LATIN_NAME | SpeciesLatinName | 30 | 1..1 |
SPECIES_ENGLISH_NAME | SpeciesEnglishName | 30 | 1..1 |
SEASON | Season | 6 | 1..1 |
ESTIMATED_VALUE | Real | 11.6 | 0..1 |
UNIT | Unit | 1..1 | |
ESTIMATED_YEAR | CharacterString | 9 | 1..1 |
UP_LIMIT_95PERC_CONF_INTERVAL | Real | 11.6 | 0..1 |
LOW_LIMIT_95PERC_CONF_INTERVAL | Real | 11.6 | 0..1 |
RANGE_95PERCENT_CONF_INTERVAL | Real | 11.6 | 0..1 |
AVG_LOG10_BOOTSTRAP_ESTIMATE | Real | 10.6 | 0..1 |
ST_ERR_LOG10_BOOTSTRAP_ESTIMATE | Real | 10.6 | 0..1 |
Name | Type | English | Description |
area | Flate | ||
gridId | Integer | rute-id | |
ocean | Ocean (kodeliste) | havområde | |
identification | Identification (datatype) | ||
- localId | CharacterString | localId | |
- namespace | CharacterString | namespace | |
- versionId | CharacterString | versionId | |
dataCaptureDate | Date | ||
origin | CharacterString | ||
updatedDate | DateTime | ||
productionDate | DateTime | ||
speciesNorwegianName | SpeciesNorwegianName | artsnavnNorsk | |
scientificName | SpeciesLatinName | artsnavnLatinsk | |
speciesEnglishName | SpeciesEnglishName | artsnavnEngelsk | |
season | Season | sesong | |
estimatedValue | Real | bergnetBestand | |
unit | Unit | enhet | |
estimatedYear | CharacterString | beregnetÅr | |
upperLimit95percentConfidenceInterval | Real | øvre grense for 95% konfidensintervall | |
lowerLimit95percentConfidenceInterval | Real | nedre grense for 95 % konfidensintervall | |
range95percentConfidenceInterval | Real | størrelse (range) av 95% konfidensintervallstørrelse (range) av 95% konfidensintervall | |
avgLog10BootstrapEstimate | Real | gjennomsnittlig log10-transformerte ”bootstrap”-estimater | |
standardErrorLog10BootstrapEstimate | Real | standard feil av log10-transformerte ”bootstrap”-estimater |
Vis BirdSpeciesProperties i NVDB Datakatalog
Id | Navn | Type | Multiplisitet |
SpeciesNorwegianName | 1 ..1 | ||
SpeciesLatinName | 1 ..1 | ||
SpeciesEnglishName | 1 ..1 | ||
Season | 1 ..1 | ||
Real | 0 ..1 | ||
Unit | 1 ..1 | ||
CharacterString | 1 ..1 | ||
Real | 0 ..1 | ||
Real | 0 ..1 | ||
Real | 0 ..1 | ||
Real | 0 ..1 | ||
Real | 0 ..1 |
Assosiasjonstype | Navn | Kilde | Destinasjon |
arv | subtype Polarmåke | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Lomvi | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Polarlomvi | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Lunde | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Svartbak | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Alkekonge | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Havsule | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Fiskemåke | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Alke | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Gråmåke | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Krykkje | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype Havhest | supertype BirdSpeciesProperties | |
arv | subtype BirdSpeciesProperties | supertype GridProperties |