Controlled Activities

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 3.0


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ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone objekttype

-- Definition -- Area managed, regulated or used for reporting at international, European, national, regional and local levels. -- Description -- Extended to include information describing activities that are controlled to achieve specific environment objectives within the zone.

Schedule datatype

-- Definition -- Reoccurring time period defining when an activity is controlled.

ControlledActivityInformation datatype

-- Definition -- Information describing the type of activity that is controlled within the zone.

ControlTypeCode kodeliste

-- Definition -- Types of control used to manage activities within the zone.

SpecialisedActivityTypeCode kodeliste

-- Definition -- Controlled vocabulary or code list defined by domains or Member States of specific controlled activity types related to their domain.

ControlledActivityType kodeliste

-- Definition -- Classification of the types of activities controlled within the zone. -- Description -- A zone may be contain a number of activities that are controlled via regulation/restriction

DayTypeCode kodeliste

-- Definition -- Specified day of the week or period of days

DayOrDate union

-- Definition -- Choice to specify either the day or start day on which a restriction applies if it is a reoccurring scheduled restriction or a specific date or start date on which a restriction applies.