
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 3.0.0


Beskrivelse: The GeoSciML-Core schema specifies a set of feature-types describing core geoscience information, including geologic units, structures, earth materials, relations between geologic features, and spatial geometries that represent geologic features on maps.


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GeologicFeature pakke

The GeoSciML GeologicFeature package contains the root Feature classes MappedFeature and GeologicFeature. GeologicFeature represents a conceptual feature that is hypothesized to exist coherently in the world. Specializated geologic features are contained in other packages.

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\GeologicFeature


GeologicUnit pakke

The GeoSciML GeologicUnit Package contains classes representing notional geologic units, whose complete and precise extent is inferred to exist. Explicit spatial properties are available through association with a MappedFeature. Geologic units includes both formal units (i.e. formally adopted and named in the official lexicon) and informal units (i.e. named but not promoted to the lexicon) and unnamed units (i.e. recognisable and described and delineable in the field but not otherwise formalised).

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\GeologicUnit


GeologicAge pakke

The GeoSciML GeologicAge package contains classes to support the description of geologic ages and events. A geologic age is related to a particular GeologicEvent, during which one or more geological processes act to modify geological entities.

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\GeologicAge


GeologicStructure pakke

GeologicStructures are a configuration of matter in the Earth based on describable inhomogeneity, pattern, or fracture in an Earth Material. The scale of geological structures ranges from microscopic (micron-scale) to megascopic (km-scale). Examples of such inhomogeneities include fractures, mineral grain boundaries, and boundaries between parts of the rock with different particle geometry (texture) or composition. Geologic structure is grounded in relationships between parts of a rock or rock body. As used here, it includes sedimentary structures. The identity of a Geologic Structure is independent of the material that is the substrate for the structure. There are almost always strong dependencies between the nature of the Earth Material substrate and the kinds of Geological Structure that may be present. A disaggregated heap of particles does not have structure, and can only be described in terms of the mineralogy and geometrical character of the constituent particles. Geologic Structures are more likely to be found in, and are more persistent in, consolidated materials than in unconsolidated materials. Properties like "clast-supported", "matrix-supported", and "graded bed" that do not involve orientation are considered kinds of Geologic Structure because they depend on the configuration of parts of a rock body.

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\GeologicStructure


EarthMaterial pakke

The GeoSciML EarthMaterial package contains classes representing a description of a naturally occurring substance in the Earth. Earth Material represents material composition or substance, and is thus independent of quantity or location. Ideally, Earth Materials are defined strictly based on physical properties, but because of standard geological usage, genetic interpretations may enter into the description as well.

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\EarthMaterial


GeologicRelation pakke

The GeoSciML GeologicRelation package contains the root relation class. Geologic Relations are typed, directed associations between geologic objects. Represents any of a wide variety of relationships that can exist between two or more Features or other entities. For example, the GeologicRelation "intrudes" is a relationship between an intrusive igneous rock and some host rock. Includes spatial, temporal, sequence, correlation, and parent/child relations.

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\GeologicRelation


Collection pakke

The GeoSciML Collection package contains facade classes that facilitate the structuring of WFS response documents and other application uses.

Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Foundation Schemas\GeoSciML\GeoSciML-Core\Collection
