Operationally, the GeologicUnit element is a container used to associate geologic properties with some mapped occurrence (through GeologicFeature.occurrence -> MappedFeature link), or with a geologic unit ControlledConcept in a vocabulary (through the GeologicUnit.classifier ->ControlledConcept link). Conceptually, may represent a body of material in the Earth whose complete and precise extent is inferred to exist (NADM GeologicUnit, Stratigraphic unit in sense of NACSN or Intnl Stratigraphic Code), or a classifier used to characterize parts of the Earth (e.g. lithologic map unit like 'granitic rock' or 'alluvial deposit', surficial units like 'till' or 'old alluvium'). Spatial properties are only available through association with a MappedFeature. Includes both formal units (i.e. formally adopted and named in the official lexicon) and informal units (i.e. named but not promoted to the lexicon) and unnamed units (i.e. recognisable and described and delineable in the field but not otherwise formalised). Will be made Abstract when a complete (enough) set of specialized subtypes is defined.
GeologicUnitPart associates a GeologicUnit with another GeologicUnit that is a proper part of that unit. Parts may be formal or notional . Formal parts refer to a specific body of rock, as in formal stratigraphic members. Notional parts refer to assemblages of particular EarthMaterials with particular internal structure, which may be repeated in various places within a unit (e.g. 'turbidite sequence', 'point bar assemblage', 'leucosome veins')
Element to represent composition of a geologic unit in terms of earth material constituents. Lithology categories are associated with the compound material instances.
Description of bedding charactersitics (eg, bed thickness, bedding style or shape, patterns of variation in bedding thickness) in a geologic unit that has stratification.
This class is a blank placeholder for a vocabulary of terms to describe the role that a compositional part plays in a geologic unit.
This class is a blank placeholder for a vocabulary of terms describing the nature of the parts of a geologic unit, e.g. facies, stratigraphic, interbeds, geographic, eastern facies,
This class is an indicative placeholder only for a vocabulary of terms describing the type of geologic unit. Users are encouraged to use the vocabulary of unit types provided by the CGI vocabularies working group.
Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the dominant alteration mineralogy or alteration type, in common usage. Examples include: argillic, phyllic, potassic, propylitic, calc-silicate, skarn, deuteric, greisen, serpenitisation, weathering, etc.
This class is a blank placeholder for a vocabulary of terms describing the rank of a geologic unit (eg, Group, Formation, Member, etc)