
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


Beskrivelse: -- Name -- Human Health


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Disease objekttype

-- Name -- Disease -- Definition -- Statistical information related to pathologies linked directly or indirectly to the quality of environment. -- Description -- Statistical information related to diseases, health-related conditions and external causes of disease and injury, as classified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10). For practical reasons, a short term ‘disease’ is used to label all conditions covered by this definition.

Biomarker objekttype

-- Name -- Biomarker -- Definition -- A biomarker (of exposure) is the concentration of a chemical, its metabolite or the product of an interaction between a chemical and some target molecule or cell that is measured in a compartment in an organism.

GeneralHealthStatistics objekttype

-- Name -- General health statistic -- Definition -- Numbers about some aspects of health related to a population or an area. For the purpose of this data model, 'general health' data include issues such as self-perceived health, demographic distribution of various health problems, smokers, etc., expressed as raw numbers, rates, percentage, stratified by gender, age, and/or socio-economic, cultural, ethnic or other factors.

HealthServicesStatistic objekttype

-- Name -- Health services statistic -- Definition -- Type of health care indicator.

HealthStatisticalData objekttype

-- Name -- Health statistical data -- Definition -- Human health related data, from recorded diseases and related health problems (according to internationally accepted code lists, such as ICD-10), expressed as morbidity and mortality, to data on general health status (BMI, self perceived health, etc.), data on health care services (health care expenditure, day cases, etc.), and data on biomarkers; these are statistical indices aggregated at different statistical units, collected/reported in different population groups. Inclusion of human biomonitoring data provides an opportunity to explore potential direct or indirect links between human health and the environment.

EnvHealthDeterminantStatisticalData objekttype

-- Name -- environmental health determinant statistical data -- Definition -- A statistical data of interest for human health determinant analysis, resulting from the aggregation of raw measurements located within a statistical unit.

EnvHealthDeterminantMeasure objekttype

-- Name -- environmental health determinant measure -- Definition -- A raw measurement performed at some place that is of interest for human health determinant analysis.

BiomarkerType datatype

-- Name -- Biomarker type -- Definition -- A biomarker is defined both by a quantified or determined chemical (e.g. cadmium, lead) or its metabolite, and a matrix (e.g. blood, urine) that is used for quantification; for example - cadmium in urine, lead in blood.

BiomarkerStatisticalParameterType datatype

-- Name -- Biomarker statistical parameter -- Definition -- A set of statistical features of a biomarker measured for one specific biomarker.

AgeRangeType datatype

-- Name -- Age range -- Definition -- Age interval of a specific subpopulation expressed as starting age and an interval, both alternatively expressed in years, months or weeks.

BiomarkerThematicMetadata datatype

-- Name -- Biomarker thematic metadata -- Definition -- Thematic Metadata describing the purpose of the study, target population and the characteristic of the studied areas.

ReferencePeriodType datatype

-- Name -- Reference period -- Definition -- The time period which the refer.

DiseaseMeasure datatype

-- Name -- Disease measure -- Definition -- Different ways in which data on diseases and related health problems in a population can be reported. -- Description -- There is a strong agreement between the two codelists addressed in the Data Specifications Document; the “ICD10Value” and the “CODValue” codelist. Taking into account that the main source of harmonized data is Eurostat, the reporting formats of Eurostat should be promoted in the definition of DiseaseMeasureType: • Absolute numbers: the total prevalence of a disease or mortality cause, without any further weighing or processing; • Crude death rate: describes mortality in relation to the total population. Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000; • Standardised death rate: weighted average of age-specific mortality rates. The weighting factor is the age distribution of a standard reference population. Standardised death rates are calculated for the age group 0-64 ('premature death') and for the total of ages. As most causes of death vary significantly with people's age and sex, the use of standardised death rates improves comparability over time and between countries. The reporting formats as presented above are regulated through the European Parliament’s “ Regulation on Community statistics on public health and health and safety at work (EC) No 1338/2008”.

ICDValue kodeliste

-- Name -- International classification of diseases -- Definition -- Disease as defined in the ICD-10 update 2007 "ICD (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision)". -- Description -- As values in the INSPIRE data, the code could be used (e.g A00, A01, A01.1, ...).

RiverWaterQualityComponentTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- river water quality component type -- Definition -- River water component type, as specified in the relevant INSPIRE Technical Guidance document. -- Description -- The EIONET codelist is recommended.

GroundWaterQualityComponentTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- ground water quality component type -- Definition -- Ground water component type, as specified in the relevant INSPIRE Technical Guidance document. -- Description -- The EIONET codelist is recommended.

MatrixValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Matrix -- Definition -- Type of human tissue or compartment for biomarker measurement.

HealthServicesTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Health services type -- Definition -- This codelist contains some items included and defined by Eurostat as "Non-expenditure health care data" (

StatisticalAggregationMethodValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Statistical aggregation method -- Definition -- The types of statistical methods used to aggregate raw measurement data on the statistical unit.

ChemicalValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Chemical -- Definition -- Name of the chemical substance.

GeneralHealthTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- General health type -- Definition -- Type of health status indicators.

CODValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Cause of death -- Definition -- Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. -- Description -- COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 65 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). As values in the INSPIRE data, the numeric code could be used (e.g 01, 02, 03...).

NoiseSourceTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Noise source type -- Definition -- The noise source type values. -- Description -- The EIONET codelist is recommended.

AirQualityComponentTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- air quality component type -- Definition -- Ambient air component type, as specified in the relevant INSPIRE Technical Guidance document. -- Description -- The EIONET codelist is recommended.

BathingWaterQualityComponentTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- bathing water quality component type -- Definition -- Bathing water component type, as specified in the relevant INSPIRE Technical Guidance document. -- Description -- The EIONET codelist is recommended.

MediaTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Environmental health media type -- Definition -- The media in which the concentration of a health component is measured. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: Drinking water, indoor air, ambient air, etc.

LakeWaterQuality kodeliste

-- Name -- lake water quality -- Definition -- Lake water component type, as specified in the relevant INSPIRE Technical Guidance document. -- Description -- The EIONET codelist is recommended.

EnvHealthDeterminantTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Environment health determinant -- Definition -- Type of environmental health determinant.

DiseaseMeasureTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Disease measure type -- Definition -- Different ways how data on diseases and related health problems in a population can be reported.

ComponentTypeValue kodeliste

-- Name -- Environment health component type -- Definition -- Particular component type (chemical substance, biological species, etc) whose concentration in an environmental media is measured.

NoiseMeasure type

-- Name -- noise measure -- Definition -- A measure of noise intensity.

Age union

-- Name -- Age -- Definition -- Persons' age can be expressed in various ways (for instance years for adults, months or weeks for infants).

Concentration type

-- Name -- concentration measure -- Definition -- A measure of concentration of a specified component in a specified media.

UomNoise type

-- Name -- noise unit of measure -- Definition -- A unit of measure for noise intensity.

UomConcentration type

-- Name -- Unit of measure for concentration -- Definition -- A unit of measure for concentration of a specified component within a specified media.