Inspire revision 4711
-- Name --
Biomarker statistical parameter
A set of statistical features of a biomarker measured for one specific biomarker.
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
geometricMean |
-- Name --
Geometric mean
Measure |
0..1 |
CI95ofGM |
-- Name --
CI95 geometric mean
Measure |
0..1 |
P50 |
-- Name --
Percentile 50
Measure |
0..1 |
P90 |
-- Name --
Percentile 90
Measure |
0..1 |
P95 |
-- Name --
Percentile 95
Measure |
0..1 |
CI95ofP95 |
-- Name --
CI95 percentile 95
Measure |
0..1 |
maximum |
-- Name --
maximum value
Measure |
0..1 |
numberOfPartecipants |
-- Name --
Number of partecipants
Integer |
1..1 |
pinLOD |
-- Name --
Limit of detection
Real |
0..1 |
-- Name --
Limit of quantification
Real |
0..1 |
Navn |
Type |
Lengde |
Multiplisitet |
Measure |
0..1 |
Measure |
0..1 |
Measure |
0..1 |
Measure |
0..1 |
Measure |
0..1 |
Measure |
0..1 |
Measure |
0..1 |
Integer |
1..1 |
Real |
0..1 |
Real |
0..1 |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
geometricMean |
Measure |
The geometric mean.
CI95ofGM |
Measure |
95% confidence interval of the geometric mean.
P50 |
Measure |
The 50<sup>th</sup> Percentile or median value. Value below which 50 percent of the observations may be found.
P90 |
Measure |
The 90<sup>th</sup> Percentile. The value below which 90 percent of the observations may be found.
P95 |
Measure |
The 95<sup>th</sup> Percentile. The value below which 95 percent of the observations may be found.
CI95ofP95 |
Measure |
95% confidence interval of the percentile 95.
maximum |
Measure |
The highest biomarker value determined in an individual participant in the biomonitoring survey.
numberOfPartecipants |
Integer |
The number of participants that have provided samples that have contributed to the calculation of the biomarker statistical parameter.
pinLOD |
Real |
Proportion of individuals with undetectable levels of tested parameter (below limit of detection).
Real |
Limit of quantification.
Vis BiomarkerStatisticalParameterType i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Measure |
0 ..1 |
Integer |
1 ..1 |
Real |
0 ..1 |
Real |
0 ..1 |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
CI95ofGMandGeometricMeanTogether |
/* CI95ofGM should be provided when geometric mean is provided */