

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- Biomarker statistical parameter
A set of statistical features of a biomarker measured for one specific biomarker.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
geometricMean -- Name -- Geometric mean Measure 0..1
CI95ofGM -- Name -- CI95 geometric mean Measure 0..1
P50 -- Name -- Percentile 50 Measure 0..1
P90 -- Name -- Percentile 90 Measure 0..1
P95 -- Name -- Percentile 95 Measure 0..1
CI95ofP95 -- Name -- CI95 percentile 95 Measure 0..1
maximum -- Name -- maximum value Measure 0..1
numberOfPartecipants -- Name -- Number of partecipants Integer 1..1
pinLOD -- Name -- Limit of detection Real 0..1
LOQ -- Name -- Limit of quantification Real 0..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
Measure 0..1
Measure 0..1
Measure 0..1
Measure 0..1
Measure 0..1
Measure 0..1
Measure 0..1
Integer 1..1
Real 0..1
Real 0..1
Name Type English Description
geometricMean Measure The geometric mean.
CI95ofGM Measure 95% confidence interval of the geometric mean.
P50 Measure The 50<sup>th</sup> Percentile or median value. Value below which 50 percent of the observations may be found.
P90 Measure The 90<sup>th</sup> Percentile. The value below which 90 percent of the observations may be found.
P95 Measure The 95<sup>th</sup> Percentile. The value below which 95 percent of the observations may be found.
CI95ofP95 Measure 95% confidence interval of the percentile 95.
maximum Measure The highest biomarker value determined in an individual participant in the biomonitoring survey.
numberOfPartecipants Integer The number of participants that have provided samples that have contributed to the calculation of the biomarker statistical parameter.
pinLOD Real Proportion of individuals with undetectable levels of tested parameter (below limit of detection).
LOQ Real Limit of quantification.

Vis BiomarkerStatisticalParameterType i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
Measure 0 ..1
Measure 0 ..1
Measure 0 ..1
Measure 0 ..1
Measure 0 ..1
Measure 0 ..1
Measure 0 ..1
Integer 1 ..1
Real 0 ..1
Real 0 ..1
Navn Beskrivelse
CI95ofGMandGeometricMeanTogether /* CI95ofGM should be provided when geometric mean is provided */