

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having a periodically repeating arrangement of atoms and a characteristic chemical composition or range of compositions, resulting in distinctive physical properties. Includes mercury as a general exception to the requirement of crystallinity. Also includes crypto-crystalline materials such as chalcedony and amorphous silica.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
mineralName Name of the mineral (eg: orthoclase) or mineral family (eg: feldspar), approved by the International Mineralogical Association. (eg: http://www.mindat.org/mineralindex.php) MineralNameTerm (kodeliste) 1..*
color Terms to specify color of the earth material. Color schemes such as the Munsell rock and soil color schemes could be used. CGI_Term (datatype) 1..*
- qualifier A qualifying term (eg; sometimes, common, always) used with term values. ValueQualifierCode (kodeliste) 1..1
- value A byReference attribute, referring to a vocabulary of terms suitable to describe a GeoSciML element. CodeListValue (kodeliste) 1..1
purpose Specification of the intended purpose/level of abstraction for the given EarthMaterial. Scoped name because intention is asserted by author of the data instance. Values: Instance, TypicalNorm, IdentifyingNorm. DescriptionPurpose (kodeliste) 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
CGI_Term (datatype) 1..*
ValueQualifierCode (kodeliste) 1..*
CodeListValue (kodeliste) 1..*
DescriptionPurpose (kodeliste) 1..1
MineralNameTerm 1..*
Name Type English Description
color CGI_Term (datatype)
- qualifier ValueQualifierCode (kodeliste)
- value CodeListValue (kodeliste)
purpose DescriptionPurpose (kodeliste)
mineralName MineralNameTerm

Vis Mineral i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
MineralNameTerm 1 ..*
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
arv subtype Mineral supertype EarthMaterial