

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- habitat distribution unit
Represents individual features (units) in a distribution of habitats. -- Description -- The habitat distribution unit is part of the geographical distribution of a certain habitat (habitat type). It indicates the occurrence (presence or absence) of a habitat
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
beginLifespanVersion -- Name -- begin life span version DateTime 1..1
geometry -- Name -- geometry GM_Object 0..1
endLifespanVersion -- Name -- end life span version DateTime 0..1
habitat -- Name -- habitat HabitatType (datatype) 1..1
- localHabitatName -- Name -- local habitat name LocalNameType (datatype) 0..1
- referenceHabitatTypeId -- Name -- reference habitat type id ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- referenceHabitatTypeScheme -- Name -- reference habitat type scheme ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- referenceHabitatTypeName -- Name -- reference habitat type name CharacterString 1..1
totalArea -- Name -- total area Integer 0..1
totalVolume -- Name -- total volume Integer 0..1
totalLength -- Name -- total length Integer 0..1
collectedFrom -- Name -- collected from Date 1..1
collectedTo -- Name -- collected to Date 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
DateTime 1..1
GM_Object 0..1
DateTime 0..1
HabitatType 1..1
Integer 0..1
Integer 0..1
Integer 0..1
Date 1..1
Date 1..1
Name Type English Description
beginLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files.
geometry GM_Object The geometry of each unit in a collection. -- Description --
endLifespanVersion DateTime Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded primarily for those systems which "close" an entry in the spatial data set in the event of an attribute change.
habitat HabitatType The identifier for a habitat class, defined and described in an international, national or local habitat classification scheme. -- Description -- Habitats and biotopes may be common in some characteristics on a certain level of detail and may thus be classified as abstract types: e.g. as woodland, pastures, heathland – referring to their vegetation structure - or as running waters, limestone rocks or sand dunes - referring to abiotic features - but also as wintering areas, nesting areas or wandering corridors etc. - referring to relevant phases for the life-cycle of a certain species or ecological guild. These typological classes are usually organised in classification systems (e.g. EUNIS habitat classification)
totalArea Integer The area of a habitat (expressed in square meters) within the spatial object that has been used to depict the distribution of the habitat (type) within a certain country, bio-geographical regions or other geographical area. -- Description -- NOTE This is only relevant if the habitat covers a certain area (e.g. within a grid) and not in case of a linear feature EXAMPLE Area of grid cell.
totalVolume Integer The volume (expressed in cubic meters) of a certain habitat type within the provided geometry of a specific habitat distribution unit.
totalLength Integer The length of a habitat (expressed in meters) within spatial object that has been used to depict the distribution of the habitat (type) within a certain country, bio-geographical region or other geographical area. -- Description -- NOTE This is only relevant if the habitat is a linear feature that can be expressed by length (e.g within a grid) and not if the habitat covers a certain area.
collectedFrom Date The date when the collecting of the original habitat occurrence data started.
collectedTo Date The date when the collecting of the original habitat occurrence data stopped.

Vis HabitatDistributionUnit i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
DateTime 1 ..1
GM_Object 0 ..1
DateTime 0 ..1
HabitatType 1 ..1
Integer 0 ..1
Integer 0 ..1
Integer 0 ..1
Date 1 ..1
Date 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
assosiasjon metadata SourceInformation 0..1 HabitatDistributionUnit
assosiasjon member HabitatDistributionUnit 1..* HabitatDistributionDataSet
Navn Beskrivelse
noGeometry /* If geometry has no value, a reference to a spatial object needs to be provided. */ inv: self.geometry->isEmpty() implies self.spatialObject->notEmpty()