

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- habitat type
Habitat type according to an international, national or local habitat classifications scheme. -- Description -- Different habitat classification schemes exist throughout Europe. In many cases a local or national classification schema will be in daily use, however, references to international (European) classification schemas will already frequently be introduced (e.g. Habitat types of community interest, Habitat Directive). It is mandatory to encode the habitat type according to a (pan-European) referenceHabitatTypeScheme listed in the referenceHabitatSchemeValue code list. This encoding is intended to allow for queries on habitat types on a pan-European harmonized level. It is strongly recommended to refer to the EUNIS habitat classification code list values in the first place. The habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive or the habitat types of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, e.g. due to the reporting obligations of the member states and therefore preferable, might be added as well in case it meets the definition. Translations exist between these habitat classification schemes and the EUNIS habitat classification. The referenceHabitatSchemeValue code list may be extended over time, covering more pan-European habitat classification schemes which allow for this harmonization purpose. However, the purpose of harmonization by nature restricts this list to a reasonable number. Furthermore, it is possible (voidable) to encode the habitat type with a localHabitatName derived from a national, regional or local classification schema. This will (by nature) be the most frequent case. Any local classification schemes should (recommendation) be registered on national level (INSPIRE national focus point).
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
localHabitatName -- Name -- local habitat name LocalNameType (datatype) 0..1
- localScheme -- Name -- local scheme CharacterString 1..1
- localNameCode -- Name -- local name code LocalNameCodeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- localName -- Name -- local name CharacterString 1..1
- qualifierLocalName -- Name -- qualifier local name QualifierLocalNameValue (kodeliste) 1..1
referenceHabitatTypeId -- Name -- reference habitat type id ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
referenceHabitatTypeScheme -- Name -- reference habitat type scheme ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
referenceHabitatTypeName -- Name -- reference habitat type name CharacterString 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
LocalNameType 0..1
ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue 1..1
ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
Name Type English Description
localHabitatName LocalNameType Habitat type according to a local habitat classification scheme. -- Description -- Habitat types used in a certain area (i.e: Mediterranean Sea), or in a certain country, or even more restricted in a certain region, county or any other local level. EXAMPLE Classification of Benthic Marine Habitat Types for the Mediterranean Region, Habitats of Romania, German Biotoptypen, Nordic Vegetation types, UK National Vegetation Classification, etc.
referenceHabitatTypeId ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue Habitat type unique identifier (code) according to one Pan-European classification scheme. -- Description -- EXAMPLE "1110", "40C0", "95A0", etc., if the referenceHabitatScheme is "habitatsDirective", or "A1.111", "A1.1121", "G1.1111", "X34", etc., if the ReferenceHabitatScheme is "eunis".
referenceHabitatTypeScheme ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue One of the Pan-European classification schemes, that are widely used in Europe. -- Description -- The list includes at least the classification of the natural habitat types of community interest listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, as well as the hierarchic classification of the habitat types of interest for biodiversity and nature protection listed in the EUNIS database, which is maintained by the EEA.
referenceHabitatTypeName CharacterString Name of a habitat type according to one Pan-European classification scheme. -- Description -- In the given Pan-European habitat classification systems, the habitat types can be identified by both: a short "identifier" (code) and a name in natural language, which is meant in this attribute. EXAMPLE Habitats Directive habitat type 3260 (code) "Floating vegetation of Ranunculus" or "Chenopodietum rubri of submountainous rivers" (name).

Vis HabitatType i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
LocalNameType 0 ..1
ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue 1 ..1
ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue 1 ..1
CharacterString 1 ..1