

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- local name type
Name according to a local classification scheme.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
localScheme -- Name -- local scheme CharacterString 1..1
localNameCode -- Name -- local name code LocalNameCodeValue (kodeliste) 1..1
localName -- Name -- local name CharacterString 1..1
qualifierLocalName -- Name -- qualifier local name QualifierLocalNameValue (kodeliste) 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
CharacterString 1..1
LocalNameCodeValue 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
QualifierLocalNameValue 1..1
Name Type English Description
localScheme CharacterString Uniform resource identifier of a local classification scheme. -- Description -- Classification scheme, which is used locally and contains all classification types, their codes and/or very often their names in natural language. EXAMPLE "http://www.rac-spa.org/sites/default/files/doc_fsd/lchm_en.pdf", for the Classification of Benthic Marine Habitat Types for the Mediterranean Region or "http://www.lifenatura2000.ro/doc/Habitatele din Romania.pdf", for the Romanian habitats classification.
localNameCode LocalNameCodeValue Natural language name according to a local classification scheme. -- Description -- EXAMPLE: "Comunitati vest-pontice cu Camphosma annua si Kochia laniflora" for the habitat „R1508" from the Romanian habitat classification or „Biocenosis of abyssal muds" for the habitat „VI.1.1." from the Classification of Benthic Marine Habitat Types for the Mediterranean Region or "Stellario alsines – Montietum rivularis (Franzi 1984)" for a vegetation type.
localName CharacterString Name according to a local classification scheme. -- Description -- Name according to local classification scheme. It is strongly recommended take all local names from a registered classification scheme.
qualifierLocalName QualifierLocalNameValue The relation between the local name and the corresponding name in the Pan-European schema. -- Description -- EXAMPLE The local habitat type can be conceptually the same as the related Pan-European habitat type, the relationship then is called “congruent” or the local habitat type may be a subtype of the Pan-European habitat type, therefore the relationship should be "includedIn", etc.

Vis LocalNameType i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
CharacterString 1 ..1
LocalNameCodeValue 1 ..1
CharacterString 1 ..1
QualifierLocalNameValue 1 ..1