Bøyeform BuoyShape BØYE_FORM


Kystverket Utkast

Angir bøyens fysisk form/fasong, uansett om bøyen har et lys eller ikke. Hoved formene er dem som er anbefalt i det International Association of Lighthouse Authorities - IALA System. Merknad: (S-57 BOYSHP)
the category of a buoy's physical shape, no matter whether the buoy has a light on it or not. The principal shapes are those recommended in the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities - IALA System. Note: S-57 BOYSHP
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
Konisk bøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 1 = conical (nun, ogival); the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has approximately the shape or the appearance of a pointed cone with the point upwards. Kjegle-formet. 1
Sylindrisk bøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 2 = can (cylindrical); the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a cylinder, or a truncated cone that approximates to a cylinder, with a flat end uppermost. 2
Bøyestake S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 4 = pillar; <<søyle formet>> på norsk; also called <<lysbøye>> in Norwegian because it has a light on it; the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, is a pillar or lattice tower. 4
Kulebøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 3 = spherical; the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a part of a sphere. 3
Stake S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 5 = spar (spindle), the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a pole, or of a very long cylinder, floating upright. I dag brukes for bøyer uten lys, oftest lateral- eller kardinalbøyer, men også isolertfarebøyer eller senterledbøyer. 5
Tønnebøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 6 = barrel (tun); the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a barrel or cylinder floating horizontally. Kun i bruk av private aktører. 6
Superbøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 7 = super-buoy; a very large buoy, generally more than 5m in diameter. Not in use at Kystverket, but may be used by others. 7
Isbøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 8 = ice buoy; a specially constructed shuttle shaped buoy which is used in ice conditions. Kun brukt i tidsvis is-belagte områder av Kystverket. 8
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
1 Konisk bøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 1 = conical (nun, ogival); the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has approximately the shape or the appearance of a pointed cone with the point upwards. Kjegle-formet.
2 Sylindrisk bøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 2 = can (cylindrical); the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a cylinder, or a truncated cone that approximates to a cylinder, with a flat end uppermost.
4 Bøyestake S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 4 = pillar; &lt;&lt;søyle formet&gt;&gt; på norsk; also called &lt;&lt;lysbøye&gt;&gt; in Norwegian because it has a light on it; the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, is a pillar or lattice tower.
5 Kulebøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 3 = spherical; the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a part of a sphere.
5 Stake S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 5 = spar (spindle), the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a pole, or of a very long cylinder, floating upright. I dag brukes for bøyer uten lys, oftest lateral- eller kardinalbøyer, men også isolertfarebøyer eller senterledbøyer.
6 Tønnebøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 6 = barrel (tun); the upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a barrel or cylinder floating horizontally. Kun i bruk av private aktører.
7 Superbøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 7 = super-buoy; a very large buoy, generally more than 5m in diameter. Not in use at Kystverket, but may be used by others.
8 Isbøye S-57 BOYSHP Definition: 8 = ice buoy; a specially constructed shuttle shaped buoy which is used in ice conditions. Kun brukt i tidsvis is-belagte områder av Kystverket.
Name Type Description Code value
Conical buoy <undefined> Conical buoy
Can/Cylindrical buoy <undefined> Can/Cylindrical buoy
Pillar buoy <undefined> Pillar buoy
Spherical buoy <undefined> Spherical buoy
Stake <undefined>
Barrel/tun buoy <undefined> Barrel/tun buoy
Super-buoy <undefined> Super-buoy
Ice buoy <undefined> Ice buoy

Vis Bøyeform i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1