Inspire revision 4711
A MappedFeature is part of a geological interpretation.
It provides a link between a notional feature (description package) and one spatial representation of it, or part of it. (Exposures, Surface Traces and Intercepts, etc)
* the specific bounded occurrence, such as an outcrop or map polygon
* the Mapped Feature carries a geometry or shape
- the association with a Geologic Feature (legend item) provides specification of all the other descriptors
- the association with a Sampling Feature provides the context and dimensionality
A Mapped Feature is always associated with some sampling feature - e.g. a mapping surface, a section, a Borehole (see BoreHolesAndObservation) etc. As noted on the diagram, if the associated sampling feature is a Borehole, then the shape associated with the MappedFeature will usually be either a point or an interval. This reconciles the 2-D ("map", section) and 1-D (borehole, traverse) viewpoints in a common abstraction.
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
observationMethod |
MappedFeature ObservationMethod is a metadata snippet indicating how the spatial extent of the mapped feature was determined, and the basis for association of the geometry with some GeologicFeature specification to define a MappedFeature. For a borehole, the MappedInterval observation method indicates how the boundaries of the interval were defined (eg, linear measurement from borehole collar). ObservationMethod is a convenience property that provides a quick and dirty approach to observation metadata when data are reported using a feature view (as opposed to observation view). This property corresponds (loosely) to ISO19115 Lineage. (eg: digitised, Global Positioning System, published map, fieldObservation, downhole survey, aerial photography, field survey)
1..* |
- qualifier |
A qualifying term (eg; sometimes, common, always) used with term values. |
1..1 |
- value |
A byReference attribute, referring to a vocabulary of terms suitable to describe a GeoSciML element.
1..1 |
positionalAccuracy |
Quantitative values define the radius of an uncertainty buffer around a mappedFeature (eg: a positionAccuracy of 100 m for a line feature defines a buffer polygon of total width 200 m centred on the line). Corresponds to ISO19115 DQ_PositionalAccuracy.
Quantity |
1..1 |
resolutionScale |
Reciprocal of equivalent scale of resolution for delineation of a feature's geometry. This is in contrast to positionAccuracy which is a measure of how well a feature is located relative to other features in the geographic reference system. |
MD_RepresentativeFraction |
1..1 |
Navn |
Type |
Lengde |
Multiplisitet |
1..* |
Quantity |
1..1 |
MD_RepresentativeFraction |
1..1 |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
observationMethod |
positionalAccuracy |
Quantity |
resolutionScale |
MD_RepresentativeFraction |
Vis MappedFeature i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
1 ..* |
Quantity |
1 ..1 |
MD_RepresentativeFraction |
1 ..1 |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
self.metadata.hierarchyLevel=(feature or dataset or series) |
self.shape contained in samplingFrame.shape |