MasseuttakAktivitet MiningActivity MASSEUTTAKAKTIVITET
Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
hvilken aktivitet det er i masseuttaket
The process of extracting metallic, non-metallic mineral, or industrial rock deposits from the Earth.
-- Description --
The term may also include preliminary treatment eg. cleaning or sizing.
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
aktivitetUttak |
hvilken driftsmetode som er brukt ved uttaket
1..1 |
prosessType |
hvilken type prosesser som er benyttet ved uttaket
1..1 |
uttakMengde |
hvor mye som er utvunnet
Quantity |
1..1 |
uttakPeriodeFraTil |
den perioden masseuttaket/mineralutvinningen foregikk i
TM_Period |
1..1 |
MassetakGruppeBeskrivelse |
inspireId |
Identifier |
1..1 |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
inspireId |
Identifier |
External object identifier of the spatial object.
aktivitetUttak |
activityType |
The type of mining activity.
-- Description --
EXAMPLE: Open Pit, Underground Mine, multiple, unspecified) or processing activity (eg Ore Processing) or production.
Using activity to distinguish between the extraction, processing and production activities allows distinguishing between ore mined/grade/recovery, ore treated/grade/recovery and produced payable/plant recovery. |
prosessType |
processingType |
The type of processing carried out during the mining activity. |
uttakMengde |
Quantity |
oreProcessed |
The amount of ore processed by the activity. |
uttakPeriodeFraTil |
TM_Period |
activityDuration |
Period, or extent in time, of the mining activity.
-- Description --
The beginning of the activity links the TM_Period to the TM_Instant at which it starts. The ending links the TM_Period to the TM_Instant at which it ends. For a variety of reasons, the position of the TM_Instant designated by 'begin' or 'end' may be inderterminate. |