ProsessAktivitetType ProcessingActivityType PROSESSAKTIVITETTYPE
Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
hvilken type prosess som er benyttet ved masseuttaket
Values indicating the type of processing carried out during a mining activity.
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
..... |
..... |
knusing |
Comminution (crushing-grinding-pulverising) :
Breaking solid particles to reduce their sizes;
general term encompassing crushing and
grinding (there is no clearcut boundary
between these processes). Synonymous with
fragmentation. |
knusing |
sikting |
Classification: separation of the pieces of a
fragmented material into several classes,
according to a particular criterion: size, density,
equivalence, shape, etc. It is used more
specifically with size separation.
Screening/sieving: sizing by means of screens
or sieves: particle with a size larger than the
screen or sieve opening are said to form the
oversize fraction, the others form the undersize
fraction. |
sikting |
ukjent |
Unknown treatment (worked / processed site) |
ukjent |
vaskebord |
Gravity concentration consisting of an inclined
desk fitted with riffles. Its shaking promotes the
segregation of different dense particles and
keeps them moving across the deck in
different angles down to the discharge end. A
transverse water stream helps to separate the
particles. |
vaskebord |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
..... |
knusing |
Comminution (crushing-grinding-pulverising) :
Breaking solid particles to reduce their sizes;
general term encompassing crushing and
grinding (there is no clearcut boundary
between these processes). Synonymous with
fragmentation. |
sikting |
Classification: separation of the pieces of a
fragmented material into several classes,
according to a particular criterion: size, density,
equivalence, shape, etc. It is used more
specifically with size separation.
Screening/sieving: sizing by means of screens
or sieves: particle with a size larger than the
screen or sieve opening are said to form the
oversize fraction, the others form the undersize
fraction. |
ukjent |
Unknown treatment (worked / processed site) |
vaskebord |
Gravity concentration consisting of an inclined
desk fitted with riffles. Its shaking promotes the
segregation of different dense particles and
keeps them moving across the deck in
different angles down to the discharge end. A
transverse water stream helps to separate the
particles. |
Name |
Description |
Code value |
...... |
...... |
comminution |
comminution |
particleSizing |
particleSizing |
unknownTreatment |
unknownTreatment |
gravitySeparationTable |
gravitySeparationTable |
Vis ProsessAktivitetType i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |