AktivitetUttakType MiningActivityTypeValue AKTIVITETUTTAKTYPE
Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
hvilken type aktivitet som utøves i masseuttaket
The type of mining activity, processing activity, or production
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
........... |
........... |
alluvialAvsetning |
Said of a placer formed by the action of running
water, as in a stream channel or alluvial fan; also,
said of the valuable mineral, e.g. gold or diamond,
associated with an alluvial placer |
alluvialAvsetning |
dagbrudd |
An open-sky excavation (also sometimes called
open-sky mine) for the extraction of metallic
ores/commodities. |
dagbrudd |
dagOgUnderjordsdrift |
See - Surface and underground mining |
dagOgUnderjordsdrift |
graving |
A term applied in the western U.S. to diggings for
gold or other precious minerals located on a bar or in
the shallows of a stream, and worked when the water
is low. |
graving |
skråsjakt |
Passage or adit driven on a decline from the surface
to provide access to a mine. |
skråsjakt |
stoll |
A horizontal passage from the surface into a mine |
stoll |
underjordsdrift |
An underground excavation for the extraction of
mineral deposits, in contrast to surficial excavations |
underjordsdrift |
uspesifisert |
uspesifisert |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
........... |
alluvialAvsetning |
Said of a placer formed by the action of running
water, as in a stream channel or alluvial fan; also,
said of the valuable mineral, e.g. gold or diamond,
associated with an alluvial placer |
dagbrudd |
An open-sky excavation (also sometimes called
open-sky mine) for the extraction of metallic
ores/commodities. |
dagOgUnderjordsdrift |
See - Surface and underground mining |
graving |
A term applied in the western U.S. to diggings for
gold or other precious minerals located on a bar or in
the shallows of a stream, and worked when the water
is low. |
skråsjakt |
Passage or adit driven on a decline from the surface
to provide access to a mine. |
stoll |
A horizontal passage from the surface into a mine |
underjordsdrift |
An underground excavation for the extraction of
mineral deposits, in contrast to surficial excavations |
uspesifisert |
Name |
Description |
Code value |
....... |
....... |
alluvial |
alluvial |
openPit |
openPit |
surfaceMiningAndUnderground |
surfaceMiningAndUnderground |
diggings |
diggings |
decline |
decline |
adit |
adit |
underground |
underground |
unspecified |
unspecified |
Vis AktivitetUttakType i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
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