AktivitetUttakType MiningActivityTypeValue AKTIVITETUTTAKTYPE


Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket) Ukjent

hvilken type aktivitet som utøves i masseuttaket The type of mining activity, processing activity, or production
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
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alluvialAvsetning Said of a placer formed by the action of running water, as in a stream channel or alluvial fan; also, said of the valuable mineral, e.g. gold or diamond, associated with an alluvial placer alluvialAvsetning
dagbrudd An open-sky excavation (also sometimes called open-sky mine) for the extraction of metallic ores/commodities. dagbrudd
dagOgUnderjordsdrift See - Surface and underground mining dagOgUnderjordsdrift
graving A term applied in the western U.S. to diggings for gold or other precious minerals located on a bar or in the shallows of a stream, and worked when the water is low. graving
skråsjakt Passage or adit driven on a decline from the surface to provide access to a mine. skråsjakt
stoll A horizontal passage from the surface into a mine stoll
underjordsdrift An underground excavation for the extraction of mineral deposits, in contrast to surficial excavations underjordsdrift
uspesifisert uspesifisert
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
alluvialAvsetning Said of a placer formed by the action of running water, as in a stream channel or alluvial fan; also, said of the valuable mineral, e.g. gold or diamond, associated with an alluvial placer
dagbrudd An open-sky excavation (also sometimes called open-sky mine) for the extraction of metallic ores/commodities.
dagOgUnderjordsdrift See - Surface and underground mining
graving A term applied in the western U.S. to diggings for gold or other precious minerals located on a bar or in the shallows of a stream, and worked when the water is low.
skråsjakt Passage or adit driven on a decline from the surface to provide access to a mine.
stoll A horizontal passage from the surface into a mine
underjordsdrift An underground excavation for the extraction of mineral deposits, in contrast to surficial excavations
Name Description Code value
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alluvial alluvial
openPit openPit
surfaceMiningAndUnderground surfaceMiningAndUnderground
diggings diggings
decline decline
adit adit
underground underground
unspecified unspecified

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