Hydro - Physical Waters

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


Beskrivelse: -- Definition -- The 'PhysicalWaters' application schema is concerned primarily with the 'mapping' Use Case

Navnerom: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/hy-p/4.0

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ShorelineConstruction objekttype

-- Definition -- An artificial structure attached to land bordering a body of water and fixed in position. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD]. NOTE 1 It is usually fixed to the waterbody bottom (for example: a mole) but may occasionally be fixed in position (for example: attached to the shore at one end and held between pilings at the other) but floating. Shoreline constructions are normally used for berthing and/or protection. NOTE 2 Includes breakwater/groyne/wharf; but has more flexibility - also applies to inland waters.

Sluice objekttype

-- Definition -- An open, inclined conduit fitted with a gate for regulating water flow. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD].

ManMadeObject objekttype

-- Definition -- An artificial object which lies inside a body of water and has one of the following types of function: - Retains the water; - Regulates the quantity of water; - Alters the course of the water; - Allows watercourses to cross each other.

Watercourse objekttype

-- Definition -- A natural or man-made flowing watercourse or stream. -- Description -- SOURCE [EuroRegionalMap].

DamOrWeir objekttype

-- Definition -- A permanent barrier across a watercourse used to impound water or to control its flow. -- Description -- SOURCE [EuroRegionalMap].

Rapids objekttype

-- Definition -- Portions of a stream with accelerated current where it descends rapidly but without a break in the slope of the bed sufficient to form a waterfall. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD].

Falls objekttype

-- Definition -- A vertically descending part of a watercourse where it falls from a height. -- Description -- SOURCE [Based on DFDD]. EXAMPLE Waterfalls over a rock or a precipice.

DrainageBasin objekttype

-- Definition -- Area having a common outlet for its surface runoff. -- Description -- SOURCE [UNESCO/WMO International Glossary of Hydrology]. NOTE 1 Regarding the different classifications of drainage basins, no distinction is made between drainage basins / sub-basins since this will vary with application. It is possible to build basins from other basins. NOTE 2 The outlet of a drainage basin may be a canal or a lake. NOTE 3 Synonyms for drainage basin include: catchment; catchment area; drainage area; river basin; watershed.

Lock objekttype

-- Definition -- An enclosure with a pair or series of gates used for raising or lowering vessels as they pass from one water level to another. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD].

LandWaterBoundary objekttype

-- Definition -- The line where a land mass is in contact with a body of water. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD]. NOTE The plane of reference for the land-water boundary should be a high water datum, such as 'Mean High Water Springs', 'High Water' or 'Mean Higher High Water'. Where there is little appreciable change in waterlevels / tide at the adjacent shore, then 'Mean Sea Level' or 'Local Datum' may be used.

Ford objekttype

-- Definition -- A shallow part of a watercourse used as a road crossing. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD].

Embankment objekttype

-- Definition -- A man-made raised long mound of earth or other material. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD]. NOTE 1 Includes retaining walls, harbours, dikes. NOTE 2 Regarded as a candidate spatial object in Annex III theme 'Natural risk zones' due to its role in limiting flooding.

Shore objekttype

-- Definition -- The narrow strip of land in immediate contact with any body of water including the area between high and low water lines. -- Description -- SOURCE [IHO S-32]. NOTE Regarded as a candidate spatial object in Annex II theme 'Land cover' due to unconsolidated shore inclusion in coastal land-cover classificaction schemes.

RiverBasin objekttype

-- Definition -- The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta. -- Description -- SOURCE [2000/60/EC Art. 2(13)].

Crossing objekttype

-- Definition -- A man-made object allowing the passage of water above or below an obstacle. -- Description -- EXAMPLE Aqueduct, bridge, culvert, siphon.

SurfaceWater objekttype

-- Definition -- Any known inland waterway body. -- Description -- SOURCE [Based on DFDD]. EXAMPLE Lake/pond, reservoir, river/stream, etc. NOTE May include islands, represented as 'holes' in its geometry. Islands may be surrounded by a shore and / or land-ware boundary.

FluvialPoint objekttype

-- Definition -- A hydro point of interest that affects the flow of a watercourse.

StandingWater objekttype

-- Definition -- A body of water that is entirely surrounded by land. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD]. NOTE It may occur in a natural terrain depression in which water collects, or may be impounded by a dam, or formed by its bed being hollowed out of the soil, or formed by embanking and/or damming up a natural hollow (for example: by a beaver dam). It may be connected to inflowing / outflowing watercourses or other standing waters.

Wetland objekttype

-- Definition -- A poorly drained or periodically flooded area where the soil is saturated with water, and vegetation is supported. -- Description -- SOURCE [EuroRegionalMap]. EXAMPLE Marsh/swamp, bog/moor. NOTE Regarded as a candidate spatial object in Annex II theme 'Land cover' due to explicit mention in 2007/2/EC Ann. II 2.

HydroPointOfInterest objekttype

-- Definition -- A natural place where water appears, disappears or changes its flow. -- Description -- EXAMPLE Fluvial points (waterfall, cascade, rapids, breaker), spring/water hole (spring, source, geyser, thermal spring, natural fountain, well, also fumarole, artesian), sinkhole (sinkhole, drainage loss). NOTE A hydro point of interest may create a flow constriction in the network.

HydroOrderCode datatype

-- Definition -- A hydrologically meaningful 'order code' for ordering hierarchies of watercourses and drainage basins.

WidthRange datatype

-- Definition -- The range of a watercourse's horizontal width along its length.

HydrologicalPersistenceValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Categories of hydrological persistence of a body of water. -- Description -- SOURCE [Codelist values based on DFDD].

CrossingTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Man-made physical watercourse crossing types.

WaterLevelValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The tidal datum / waterlevel to which depths and heights are referenced. -- Description -- SOURCE [Codelist values based on DFDD].

ShoreTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Categories of shore area composition. -- Description -- SOURCE [Codelist items based on DFDD].

OriginValue enumeration

-- Definition -- An enumeration type specifying a set of hydrographic 'origin' categories (natural, man-made) for various hydrographic objects.