

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

Man-made physical watercourse crossing types.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
aqueduct aqueduct
bridge bridge
culvert culvert
siphon siphon
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
Name Description Code value
aqueduct A pipe or artificial channel that is designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity, for freshwater supply, agricultural, and/or industrial use. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD].
bridge A structure that connects two locations and provides for the passage of a transportation route over a terrain obstacle. -- Description -- SOURCE [Based on DFDD]. EXAMPLE 1 (Transportation route) A road or a railway. EXAMPLE 2 (Terrain obstacle) A waterbody, a gully, and/or a road.
culvert An enclosed channel for carrying a watercourse under a route. -- Description -- SOURCE [Based on DFDD]. EXAMPLE 1 (Watercourse carried in an enclosed channel) A stream, a sewer, or a drain. EXAMPLE 2 (Route over a culvert) A road, a railway, or an embankment.
siphon A pipe used for conveying liquid from one level to a lower level, using the liquid pressure differential to force a column of the liquid up to a higher level before it falls to the outlet. -- Description -- SOURCE [DFDD].

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