
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


Beskrivelse: -- Name -- species distribution

Navnerom: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/sd/4.0

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SpeciesNameType datatype

-- Name -- species name type -- Definition -- Identifier and scientific name, including the author, taken from an international reference list, optionally completed by a locally used name and its taxonomic concept relationship to the reference name. -- Description -- The authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme provides reference species list which defines the ReferenceSpeciesName with its scientific name plus author and ReferenceSpeciesId. The LocalSpeciesName provides nomenclatural and taxonomical information about the locally used species name and the taxonomic concepts implied by the use of this name according to a given reference.

RangeType datatype

-- Name -- range type -- Definition -- Value indicating the upper and lower limits of the counting, estimation or calculation of occurrences.

DistributionInfoType datatype

-- Name -- distribution info type -- Definition -- The description of the status of the subject of distribution within the species distribution unit, including the indication of the abundance by counting, estimation or calculation of the number of occurrences or population size of the particular species.

PopulationSizeType datatype

-- Name -- population size type -- Definition -- A range value indicating the counted, estimated or calculated occurrences or population sizes, which is defined by an upper and a lower limit. -- Description -- A range density (or abundance) value for species occurrence in the individual species distribution units either counted, estimated or calculated based on defined counting units, or using upper and lower bounds.