Id; Navn; Beskrivelse; Stereotype; Versjon; Status; Pakke; NavPakke; EAID_B2BF05D1_5515_4b1c_B9F6_80716504A7A2;Species Distribution overview;;diagram;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species DistributionSpecies Distribution EAID_A5C73C72_F170_4a4c_888A_145B610715C1;SpeciesDistributionDataSet;-- Name -- species distribution data set -- Definition -- This data set is a collection of individual spatial objects (units) in a distribution of species. -- Description -- Collection of individual spatial objects of allowed geometry where a species occurs. ;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;SpeciesDistributionUnit;-- Name -- species distribution unit -- Definition -- Occurrence of animal and plant species aggregated by grid, region, administrative unit or other analytical unit. -- Description -- Pan-European, national or local mapping initiatives, resulting in spatial data for species in terrestrial and marine environments, e.g. for birds, insects, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish or vascular plants. NOTE 1 Only species are mentioned in the INSPIRE definition. But earlier INSPIRE documents (INPIRE IMS, 2003) mentions both species or species grouped e.g. to families. So we interprete species as taxa, which means taxonomic units at any systematic rank, like subspecies, species, genus, family etc. ;objekttype;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;SpeciesNameType;-- Name -- species name type -- Definition -- Identifier and scientific name, including the author, taken from an international reference list, optionally completed by a locally used name and its taxonomic concept relationship to the reference name. -- Description -- The authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme provides reference species list which defines the ReferenceSpeciesName with its scientific name plus author and ReferenceSpeciesId. The LocalSpeciesName provides nomenclatural and taxonomical information about the locally used species name and the taxonomic concepts implied by the use of this name according to a given reference. ;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_C36E76E6_A470_48ea_90B1_444C1653C3D4;RangeType;-- Name -- range type -- Definition -- Value indicating the upper and lower limits of the counting, estimation or calculation of occurrences. ;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;DistributionInfoType;-- Name -- distribution info type -- Definition -- The description of the status of the subject of distribution within the species distribution unit, including the indication of the abundance by counting, estimation or calculation of the number of occurrences or population size of the particular species. ;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_E6E3A391_77DA_49e8_BF8D_ADFF9DA848DE;PopulationSizeType;-- Name -- population size type -- Definition -- A range value indicating the counted, estimated or calculated occurrences or population sizes, which is defined by an upper and a lower limit. -- Description -- A range density (or abundance) value for species occurrence in the individual species distribution units either counted, estimated or calculated based on defined counting units, or using upper and lower bounds. ;datatype;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_07955169_5548_48bb_B611_D663C9D6E094;GeneralCountingUnitValue;-- Name -- general counting unit value -- Definition -- The unit used to express a counted or estimated number indicating the abundance within a SpeciesAggregationUnit (e.g. ccurrences or the population size). ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_20CF1207_26D5_4f33_B143_3C7BCB735288;ReferenceSpeciesCodeValue;-- Name -- reference species code value -- Definition -- Reference lists containing species identifiers. -- Description -- The authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme provides reference species list which defines the ReferenceSpeciesName with its scientific name plus author and ReferenceSpeciesId. In these ReferenceSpeciesSchemes harmonized species names are given GUIDs and the species names are to be retrieved through webservices using GUIDs. Only one of these list must be used for one taxon. The priority is as follows: 1) EU-Nomen, 2) EUNIS, 3) NatureDirectives. This implies: if a taxon is listed in EU-Nomen, this reference must be used as first choice. If it is not listed in EU-Nomen, the second choice is EUNIS, if not in EUNIS, NatureDirectives can be used. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_2D1E3655_1FC6_4b26_A245_0AE941D6377F;ReferenceSpeciesSchemeValue;-- Name -- reference species scheme value -- Definition -- Reference lists defining a nomenclatural and taxonomical standard to which local names and taxonomic concepts can be mapped. -- Description -- The authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme provides reference species list which defines the ReferenceSpeciesName with its scientific name plus author and ReferenceSpeciesId. In these ReferenceSpeciesSchemes harmonized species names are given GUIDs and the species names are to be retrieved through webservices using GUIDs. Only one of these list must be used for one taxon. The priority is as follows: 1) EU-Nomen, 2) EUNIS, 3) NatureDirectives. This implies: if a taxon is listed in EU-Nomen, this reference must be used as first choice. If it is not listed in EU-Nomen, the second choice is EUNIS, if not in EUNIS, NatureDirectives can be used. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_49825EF7_F721_492f_996B_A0F773D75A20;ResidencyStatusValue;-- Name -- residency status value -- Definition -- Category of the residency of the occurrences or estimated population within a given aggregation unit. -- Description -- These values are used for Natura2000 (revised SDF). NOTE One or more categories of population may be listed in the dataset, giving population size of e.g. permanent and wintering populations. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_83EE7949_ED1E_4773_A25B_2B803A2473B7;LocalSpeciesNameCodeValue;-- Name -- local name code value -- Definition -- Species identifier taken from any local classification scheme. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_8999FE42_8ADD_4c4c_9669_54CB86F72E3E;EunisSpeciesCodeValue;-- Name -- eunis species code value -- Definition -- Reference lists containing Eunis species id's.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_97F47983_7E30_4d9d_AE9B_1AA551000529;PopulationTypeValue;-- Name -- population type value -- Definition -- The permanency of populations, particularly with regard to migratory species within a given species distribution unit. -- Description -- These values are used for Natura2000 (revised SDF). ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_B0043390_9BFC_4a2b_A02B_D96622AFE970;OccurrenceCategoryValue;-- Name -- occurrence category value -- Definition -- The species population density in the SpeciesDistributionUnit. -- Description -- A species population density in classes (common, rare, very rare or present) in an individual SpeciesDistributionUnit.;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_B537E509_6865_47c0_A34A_46A13C47182A;QualifierValue;-- Name -- qualifier value -- Definition -- This value defines the relation between the taxonomic concepts of a local species name and the reference species name given by reference species identifier or by a reference species scheme. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_B8720BEB_9714_4053_9238_9022846C7B30;Article17CountingUnitValue;-- Name -- article 17 counting unit value -- Definition -- The unit used in reporting for Article 17 Report. Expresses counted or estimated number for the abundance within a species distribution unit (e.g. occurrences or the population size). -- Description -- NOTE The values of the list are found here: Natura_2000/Folder_Reference_Portal/ Population_units.pdf;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_BA6708FE_7D5D_4b90_A49F_B31E40A859FE;CountingMethodValue;-- Name -- counting method value -- Definition -- Method for producing numbers indicating the abundance of a species within an aggregation unit. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_BD8266FD_2F58_446e_B646_B66F29B3EFDE;CountingUnitValue;-- Name -- counting unit value -- Definition -- The defined unit used to express a counted or estimated number indicating the abundance of a species in a SpeciesDistributionUnit. -- Description -- The counting units are defined by specific measures of species occurrence types, life stages, reproductive units or substrate counts. Subclasses for specific domains can be added by member states. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_CF703F42_05EF_404d_8A65_B786E5D740A1;NatureDirectivesCodeValue;-- Name -- nature directives code value -- Definition -- Reference lists containing nature directives species id's. -- Description -- In nature directives harmonized species names are given identifiers and the species names are to be connected by using these identifiers. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_DF318742_6D40_4062_A956_E87B956A5245;EuNomenCodeValue;-- Name -- eu-nomen code value -- Definition -- Reference lists containing EU-Nomen species id's. ;kodeliste;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;referenceSpeciesId;-- Name -- reference species id -- Definition -- Identifier of one of the reference lists given by the referenceSpeciesScheme. -- Description -- In the referenceSpeciesScheme the species IDs are linked to scientific names and corresponding authors using GUIDs ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;referenceSpeciesScheme;-- Name -- reference species scheme -- Definition -- Reference list defining a nomenclatural and taxonomical standard to which all local names and taxonomic concepts shall be mapped. -- Description -- Code list of accepted PAN-European taxonomical reference lists defining the nomenclature and taxonomical concept of a given species name. This must not be regarded as the ultimate taxonomic truth: this will always change. It serves as a definition of a taxonomic concept described by systematic and synonym relations where other names and there inherent taxonomic concepts can be mapped to. The code list comprises of Eu-Nomen, EUNIS and Natura2000. In these sources harmonized species GUIDs and names are maintained by institutions with an assignment outside INSPIRE and the species names are to be retrieved through webservices using GUIDs. Only one of these list must be used for one taxon. The priority is as follows: 1) EU-Nomen, 2) EUNIS, 3) Natura2000. This implies: if a taxon is listed in EU-Nomen, this reference must be used as first choice. If it is not listed in EU-Nomen, the second choice is EUNIS, if not in EUNIS, Natura2000 can be used. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;referenceSpeciesName;-- Name -- reference species name -- Definition -- The scientific name, including the author, used in the authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme. -- Description -- The authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme (EU-Nomen, Unis and Nature Directives) provides reference species lists which defines the ReferenceSpeciesName with its scientific name plus author and ReferenceSpeciesId. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;localSpeciesId;-- Name -- local species id -- Definition -- Identifier used in national nomenclature. -- Description -- The taxonID used in national nomenclature databases. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;localSpeciesScheme;-- Name -- local species scheme -- Definition -- Name of local species classification scheme (bibliographic reference). ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;localSpeciesName;-- Name -- local species name -- Definition -- Scientific name, including the author, used in national nomenclature with its national taxonomic concept. -- Description -- The LocalSpeciesName provides nomenclatural and taxonomical information about the locally used species name and the taxonomic concepts implied by the use of this name according to a given reference. If omitted the name and concept given by the referenceSpeciesId according to the referenceSpeciesScheme has been used locally. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_4D1DD258_1172_4a73_A614_9351EAD95FDF;qualifier;-- Name -- qualifier -- Definition -- Specifies the taxonomic concept relationship between local species identifier and the reference species identifier. -- Description -- Defines how the local species name conceptually is related to the referenceSpeciesID, either congruent, included in, includes, overlaps or excludes ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesNameType EAID_A5C73C72_F170_4a4c_888A_145B610715C1;inspireId;-- Name -- inspire id -- Definition -- External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionDataSet EAID_A5C73C72_F170_4a4c_888A_145B610715C1;name;-- Name -- name -- Definition -- Name of a specific data set provided for Species Distribution. -- Description -- A short descriptive identification name for a specific dataset provided by an institution. EXAMPLE 1 Redlisted_species_Norway EXAMPLE 2 Invasive_alien_species_ Ireland EXAMPLE 3 Articles17_report_Germany;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionDataSet EAID_A5C73C72_F170_4a4c_888A_145B610715C1;domainExtent;-- Name -- domain extent -- Definition -- The geographic extent of the domain of the feature collection.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionDataSet EAID_A5C73C72_F170_4a4c_888A_145B610715C1;beginLifespanVersion;-- Name -- begin lifespan version -- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionDataSet EAID_A5C73C72_F170_4a4c_888A_145B610715C1;endLifespanVersion;-- Name -- begin lifespan version -- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionDataSet EAID_C36E76E6_A470_48ea_90B1_444C1653C3D4;upperBound;-- Name -- upper bound -- Definition -- The upper limit of the range. If the value of this attribute is null and lowerBound is populated, this implies that the value is between the lowerBound and infinity. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\RangeType EAID_C36E76E6_A470_48ea_90B1_444C1653C3D4;lowerBound;-- Name -- lower bound -- Definition -- The lower limit of the range. If the value of this attribute is null and upperBound is populated, this implies that the value is between the upperBound and zero. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\RangeType EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;inspireId;-- Name -- inspire id -- Definition -- External object identifier of the spatial object. -- Description -- An external object identifier is a unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object. The identifier is an identifier of the spatial object, not an identifier of the real-world phenomenon. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionUnit EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;geometry;-- Name -- geometry -- Definition -- The geometry of each unit in a collection. -- Description -- The geometry (e.g. line or polygon) of each individual spatial objects in the collection;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionUnit EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;speciesName;-- Name -- species name -- Definition -- Identifier and scientific name, including the author, taken from an international reference list, optionally completed by a locally used name and its taxonomic concept relationship to the reference name. -- Description -- The authorized ReferenceSpeciesScheme provides reference species list which defines the ReferenceSpeciesName with its scientific name plus author and ReferenceSpeciesId. The LocalSpeciesName provides nomenclatural and taxonomical information about the locally used species name and the taxonomic concepts implied by the use of this name according to a given reference. If omitted the name and concept given by the referenceSpeciesId according to the referenceSpeciesScheme has been used locally. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionUnit EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;distributionInfo;-- Name -- distribution info -- Definition -- The description of the subject of distribution (occurrences or population), the indication of the count of observations or population size of the particular species, species group or taxon rank and its distribution or isolation within the species distribution unit. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionUnit EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;beginLifespanVersion;-- Name -- begin lifespan version -- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionUnit EAID_D553695B_3753_44e5_977A_C42A49AF5ED1;endLifespanVersion;-- Name -- begin lifespan version -- Definition -- Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\SpeciesDistributionUnit EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;occurrenceCategory;-- Name -- occurrence category -- Definition -- The species population density in the species distribution unit. -- Description -- A species abundance (population density) in classes (common, rare, very rare, present or absent) in an individual species distribution unit.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;residencyStatus;-- Name -- residency status -- Definition -- Information on the status of residency of a species regarding nativeness versus introduction and permanency. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;populationSize;-- Name -- population size -- Definition -- A range value indicating the counted, estimated or calculated occurrences or population sizes, using an upper and a lower limit. -- Description -- A range density (or abundance) value for species occurrence in the individual species distribution units either counted, estimated or calculated based on defined counting units, or using upper and lower bounds. ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;sensitiveInfo;-- Name -- sensitive info -- Definition -- Boolean value that indicates whether the location of a specific species is sensitive. -- Description -- This can be used to filter out or generalize sensitive data. Generalized representation can be larger spatial objects e.g. grid cells. NOTE A species location e.g. breeding location, of vulnerable, endangered or protected species may by law be excluded from distribution or spatially generalised from detailed locations to lower resolutions in more extensive grid cells to avoid environmental crime.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;populationType;-- Name -- population type -- Definition -- The permanency of populations, particularly with regard to migratory species within a given species distribution unit. -- Description -- Kind of species occurrence or population data that are collected. EXAMPLE Permanent, reproducing, concentration or wintering (for migratory species). ;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;collectedFrom;-- Name -- collected from -- Definition -- The date when the collecting of the original species occurrence data started. -- Description -- The starting date for the collection/registration of the primary species occurrence data.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E55A5487_804E_4a8c_8603_5E6A77A46774;collectedTo;-- Name -- collected to -- Definition -- The date when the collecting of the original species occurrence data stopped. -- Description -- The last date for the collection/registration of the primary species occurrence data.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\DistributionInfoType EAID_E6E3A391_77DA_49e8_BF8D_ADFF9DA848DE;countingMethod;-- Name -- counting method -- Definition -- Method of providing a number for the indication of the abundance of a species within a specific species distribution unit. -- Description -- To obtain a density or abundance estimate the data set provider can either count, estimate or calculate the population abundance.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\PopulationSizeType EAID_E6E3A391_77DA_49e8_BF8D_ADFF9DA848DE;countingUnit;-- Name -- counting unit -- Definition -- What has been counted, estimated or calculated when compiling information on the abundance of a species within the species distribution unit. -- Description -- This parameter defines which species population units that has collected or retrieved. EXAMPLE Colonies, individuals, juvenile, larvae, pairs, shoals, shoots, tufts.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\PopulationSizeType EAID_E6E3A391_77DA_49e8_BF8D_ADFF9DA848DE;populationSize;-- Name -- population size -- Definition -- A range value indicating the counted, estimated or calculated occurrences or population sizes using upper and lower bounds. -- Description -- A range density (or abundance) value for species occurrence in the individual species distribution units either counted, estimated or calculated based on defined counting units, or using upper and lower bounds.;egenskap;4.0;Gyldig;SpeciesDistribution;Inspire Consolidated UML Model\Themes\Annex III\Species Distribution\SpeciesDistribution\PopulationSizeType