Railway Transport Network

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


Beskrivelse: -- Definition -- This package defines the types that are used on the rail subtheme

Navnerom: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/tn-ra/4.0

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RailwayYardArea objekttype

-- Definition -- An area spatial object which is used to represent the topographical limits of a railway yard. DEFINITION Railway yard: An area crossed by a number of parallel railway tracks (usually more than two) interconnected between them, which are used to stop trains in order to load / unload freight without interrupting the traffic of a main railway line.

RailwayUse objekttype

-- Definition -- The current use of the railway.

RailwayLink objekttype

-- Definition -- A linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of a railway network between two points in the network. -- Description -- NOTE Railway links can be used to represent stretches of railway with one or multiple tracks.

RailwayStationArea objekttype

-- Definition -- An area spatial object which is used to represent the topographical limits of the facilities of a railway station (buildings, railway yards, installations and equipment) devoted to carry out railway station operations.

RailwayStationNode objekttype

-- Definition -- A railway node which represents the location of a railway station along the railway network.

RailwayYardNode objekttype

-- Definition -- A railway node which occurs within a railway yard area. DEFINTION Railway yard: An area crossed by a number of parallel railway tracks (usually more than two) interconnected between them, which are used to stop trains in order to load / unload freight without interrupting the traffic of a main railway line.

RailwayNode objekttype

-- Definition -- A point spatial object which represents a significant point along the railway network or defines an intersection of railway tracks used to describe its connectivity.

NumberOfTracks objekttype

-- Definition -- The number of tracks for a railway stretch. -- Description -- This is dependent on the resolution of the data.

RailwayLinkSequence objekttype

-- Definition -- A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of railway links, which represents a continuous path in a railway network without any branches. The element has a defined beginning and end and every position on the railway link sequence is identifiable with one single parameter such as length. It describes an element of the railway network, characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties.

RailwayLine objekttype

-- Definition -- A collection of railway link sequences and or individual railway links that are characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties. -- Description -- EXAMPLE Railway lines characterized by a specific identification code, used by railroad companies or tourist railways, identified by a specific name.

DesignSpeed objekttype

-- Definition -- The specification of the maximum speed to which a railway line is designed for.

RailwayArea objekttype

-- Definition -- Surface occupied by a railway track, including ballast.

NominalTrackGauge objekttype

-- Definition -- The nominal distance between the two outer rails (gauge) of a railway track.

RailwayType objekttype

-- Definition -- The type of railway transport the line is designed for.

RailwayElectrification objekttype

-- Definition -- Indication whether the railway is provided with an electric system to power vehicles moving along it.

RailwayStationCode objekttype

-- Definition -- The unique code assigned to a railway station.

RailwayTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The possible types of railway transport.

FormOfRailwayNodeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The possible functions of a railway node within the railway network.

RailwayUseValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The possible uses of railways.

MinMaxTrackValue enumeration

-- Definition -- Values to indicate whether number of tracks are counted as the maximum, minimum or average number.

TrackGaugeCategoryValue enumeration

-- Definition -- The possible categories of railways concerning its nominal track gauge.