
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 2.0


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ProductValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- A list of terms defining the type of product. -- Description -- Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone or ornamental rocks.

WasteStorageTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The type of mining waste storage

MiningWasteTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The type of mining waste

EarthResourceMaterialRoleValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The role the EarthMaterial plays in the EarthResourceDescription

EnvironmentalImpactValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Terms indicating the environmental impact of the mining waste.

RawMaterialRoleValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Role the EarthMaterial plays in the MiningActivity (eg gangue, ore)

UNFCValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- UN Framework Classification values (2009).