
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 2.0


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Product objekttype

-- Definition -- Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone or ornamental rocks.

MiningWaste objekttype

-- Definition -- Mining-selected waste (or simply mining waste) can be defined as a part of the materials that result from the exploration, mining and processing of substances governed by legislation on mines and quarries.

EarthResource_Extension objekttype

-- Definition -- A sub-type of EarthResource with associations to classes in the Mineral Resources extension model.

MiningActivity_Extension objekttype

-- Definition -- A sub-type of MiningActivity with associations to classes in the Mineral Resources extension model.

EarthResourceMaterial datatype

-- Definition -- Identifies the material found in the earth or produced from earth material that is of economic interest

UNFClassification datatype

-- Definition -- The categorisation of mineral reserves and resources according to the UN Framework Classification (2009).

MineralSystem datatype

-- Definition -- All geological features that control the generation and preservation of mineral deposits.

SupergeneProcesses datatype

-- Definition -- Metal enrichment produced by the chemical remobilisation of elements in an oxidised or transitional environment. Does a supergene process exist (Y/N)

MiningWasteMeasure datatype

-- Definition -- The evaluation of the potential of a mining waste in terms of base-, precious-, and strategic metals requires an estimation of the volume of the waste, its density, and the grade of remaining commodities, the tonnage figure being most of the time unknown. This calculation should be accompanied by a confidence index.

MinedMaterial datatype

-- Definition -- A data type to describe the raw material of a mining activity

ProductValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- A list of terms defining the type of product. -- Description -- Product(s) are elaborated from mining activity through a processing phase which may be as simple as extraction. The product of a mine s.s. (excavation) is a concentrate containing one or several commodities at various grades for metallic ores. A product can also be dimension stone or ornamental rocks.

WasteStorageTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The type of mining waste storage

MiningWasteTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The type of mining waste

EarthResourceMaterialRoleValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The role the EarthMaterial plays in the EarthResourceDescription

EnvironmentalImpactValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Terms indicating the environmental impact of the mining waste.

RawMaterialRoleValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Role the EarthMaterial plays in the MiningActivity (eg gangue, ore)

UNFCValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- UN Framework Classification values (2009).