Air Transport Network

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


Beskrivelse: -- Definition -- This package defines the types that are used on the air transport subtheme.


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RunwayTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- A code that makes a distinction between runways for airplanes and FATO for helicopters. -- Description -- SOURCE [CodeRunwayType - AIXM5.0].

SurfaceCompositionValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- A code indicating the composition of a surface. -- Description -- SOURCE [CodeSurfaceCompositionType - AIXM5.0]. EXAMPLES Asphalt, concrete.

AerodromeCategoryValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Aerodrome possible categories concerning the scope and importance of the air traffic services offered from and to it.

AirRouteLinkClassValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The type of the route from the navigation point of view. -- Description -- SOURCE [CodeRouteNavigationType - AIXM5.0]. NOTE These values enumerate the possible usages of a AirRouteLink. EXAMPLES Conventional, RNAV.

AerodromeTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- A code specifying whether a particular entity occurrence is an Aerodrome or a Heliport. -- Description -- SOURCE [CodeAirportHeliportType - AIXM5.0].

AirUseRestrictionValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The use restrictions for an air network object.

PointRoleValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Role of the Runway Centreline Point. -- Description -- SOURCE [AIXM5.0].

AirspaceAreaTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Recognised types of Airspace. -- Description -- SOURCE [CodeAirspaceType - AIXM5.0].

AirRouteTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- The route classification as ATS route or North Atlantic Tracks. -- Description -- SOURCE [CodeRouteType - AIXM5.0].

NavaidTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Types of Navaid Services. -- Description -- SOURCE [AIXM5.0].