Common Transport Elements

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


Beskrivelse: -- Definition -- This package defines the types that are common for all transport networks subthemes.


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VerticalPosition objekttype

-- Definition -- Vertical level relative to other transport network elements.

TransportPoint objekttype

-- Definition -- A point spatial object - which is not a node - that represents the position of an element of a transport network.

OwnerAuthority objekttype

-- Definition -- The authority owning the transport element.

AccessRestriction objekttype

-- Definition -- A restriction on the access to a transport element.

ConditionOfFacility objekttype

-- Definition -- State of a transport network element with regards to its completion and use.

TransportNode objekttype

-- Definition -- A point spatial object which is used for connectivity. -- Description -- Nodes are found at either end of the TransportLink.

TransportArea objekttype

-- Definition -- Surface that represents the spatial extent of an element of a transport network.

MarkerPost objekttype

-- Definition -- Reference marker placed along a route in a transport network, mostly at regular intervals, indicating the distance from the beginning of the route, or some other reference point, to the point where the marker is located. -- Description -- EXAMPLE Examples of routes along which marker posts can be found are roads, railway lines and navigable waterways.

TransportObject objekttype

-- Definition -- An identity base for transport network objects in the real world. -- Description -- NOTE Derived 'views' of real-world transport objects are represented through specialisations in other application schemas; all representations of the same real-world object share a common geographic name.

TrafficFlowDirection objekttype

-- Definition -- Indicates the direction of the flow of traffic in relation to the direction of the transport link vector.

TransportLink objekttype

-- Definition -- A linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of a transport network between two points in the network.

RestrictionForVehicles objekttype

-- Definition -- Restriction on vehicles on a transport element.

TransportNetwork objekttype

-- Definition -- Collection of network elements that belong to a single mode of transport. -- Description -- NOTE Road, rail, water and air transport are always considered separate transport modes. Even within these four categories, multiple modes of transport can be defined, based on infrastructure, vehicle types, propulsion system, operation and/or other defining characteristics. EXAMPLE All road transport can be considered one mode of transport for some applications. For other applications, it might be necessary to distinguish between different public road transport networks. Within water transport, marine and inland water transport can be considered to be separate modes of transport for some applications, as they use different types of ships.

MaintenanceAuthority objekttype

-- Definition -- The authority responsible for maintenance of the transport element.

TransportLinkSequence objekttype

-- Definition -- A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of transport links, which represents a continuous path in the transport network without any branches. The element has a defined beginning and end and every position on the transport link sequence is identifiable with one single parameter such as length. It describes an element of the transport network, characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties.

TransportProperty objekttype

-- Definition -- A reference to a property that falls upon the network. This property can apply to the whole of the network element it is associated with or - for linear spatial objects - be described using linear referencing.

TransportLinkSet objekttype

-- Definition -- A collection of transport link sequences and or individual transport links that has a specific function or significance in a transport network. -- Description -- NOTE This spatial object type supports the aggregation of links to form objects with branches, loops, parallel sequences of links, gaps, etc. EXAMPLE A dual carriageway road, as a collection of the two link sequences that represent each carriageway.

AccessRestrictionValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Types of access restrictions for a transport element.

RestrictionTypeValue kodeliste

-- Definition -- Possible restrictions on vehicles that can access a transport element.

TransportTypeValue enumeration

-- Definition -- Possible types on transport networks.