-- Name -- AquacultureInstallation -- Definition -- A technical unit or a delimited area operated by the same owner of the (aquaculture) holding, where one or more activities listed in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 are carried out. -- Description -- Source ( Plan4all - modified)
-- Name -- AbstractInstallation -- Definition -- Stationary technical unit part of a facility where one or more Agricultural and Aquacultural activities are carried out, and any other directly associated activities which have a technical connection with the activities carried out on that site. -- Description -- Agricultural and Aquacultural Activities refers to the production of primary materials (animal and vegetal) for human use, or as base material for industrial processing (animal feed, human food or other industries). Depending on the scale, the installations would be represented by areas or points and always linked with a Facility (at less in a 1:1 relation).
-- Name -- InstallationPart -- Definition -- Specific technical part of the Installation which is developing a representative functionality that should be registered under the legislation. -- Description -- This level of description should applied for specific parts of the installations which must be register following the legislation. Manure Storage, Tanks (Special or Raw Products) ,… would be included under this definition. Independently the dimension this entity would be represented as points.
-- Name -- Site -- Definition -- All land at a same or distinct geographic location under the management control of an organization covering activities, products and services. This includes all infrastructure, equipment and materials. The geometry of the site must be a point or a surface. -- Description -- The site can be represented by a point or by a surface.
-- Name -- Holding -- Definition -- The whole area and all infrastructures included on it, covering the same or different "sites", under the control of an operator to perform agricultural or aquaculture activities. The holding includes one specialisation of ActivityComplex, ie. Activity. the values of ActivityType are expressed in conformity with the classification of the economic activity of the holding, according to the NACE rev. 2.0 coding. Holding is a thematic extension of the generic Class “Activity Complex” shared with other thematic areas describing entities related with Economical Activities (Legal Entity Class – Business). Holding is a thematic extension of the generic Class “Activity Complex” shared with other thematic areas describing entities related with Economical Activities (Legal Entity Class – Business). -- Description -- Accessible at Eurostat repository from URL TargetUrl=LST_CLS_DLD&StrNom=NACE_REV2 &StrLanguageCode=EN&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIC. The valid nace codes are: the first level codes: 01 and 03 the second level codes: 01.1 - 01.6 and 03.2 and the third level codes: 01.11 - 01.64 and 03.21 - 03.22 The next codes from the range 01 to 03.22 are excluded: 01.7 hunting trapping an related services; 02. forestry and logging; 03.1 fishing.
-- Name -- WaterManagementInstallation -- Definition -- The source of water useful for all kinds of activities of the facility site.
-- Name -- AgriBuilding -- Definition -- A building used for agricultural or aquaculture activities. -- Description -- A construction to store agricultural and aquaculture commodities, harvested crops , keeping of animals or storing equipment.
-- Name -- Plot -- Definition -- Independent portion of the land or water surface, clearly delimited, including or matching the limits of a Site, that is Holding.
-- Name -- Installation -- Definition -- Stationary technical unit part of a facility where one or more Agricultural and Aquacultural activities are carried out, and any other directly associated activities which have a technical connection with the activities carried out on that site. -- Description -- Agricultural and Aquacultural Activities refers to the production of primary materials (animal and vegetal) for human use, or as base material for industrial processing (animal feed, human food or other industries). Depending on the scale, the installations would be represented by areas or points and always linked with a Facility (at less in a 1:1 relation).
-- Name -- RecognisedHealthStatus -- Definition -- The granted health status of the animal or animalgroup kept on the site, expressed as a staus indicator per species.
-- Name -- farm animal -- Definition -- Identifies an animal or group of animals of the same specie kept on the specific site and the amount of them.
-- Name -- AquacultureInstallationValue -- Definition -- Type of aquaculture installation.
-- Name -- HealthStatusValue -- Definition -- A code list with the possible status values indicating the granted health status.
-- Name -- AquacultureActivityValue -- Definition -- Type of aquaculture activity.
-- Name -- EnvironmentValue -- Definition -- The type of the environment in which the aquaculture organisms are kept. (a water type classification).
-- Name -- PlotActivityValue -- Definition -- The economic activity executed on the plot, as coded accoring to EU regulation (EC) 1200/2009, annex II, chapter 2. (codes 2.01 - 2.04.07 and 2.06.03 - 2.06.04).
-- Name -- InstallationPartValue -- Definition -- Describes the type of the installation part, according to a code list.
-- Name -- TypeOfAgriBuildingValue -- Definition -- The type of building, expressed as a code. -- Description -- animal housing according to EU regulation (EC) 1200/2009 annex III chapter V, codes 5.01 - 5.03.99.
-- Name -- WaterSourceValue -- Definition -- The type of water source, according to Regulation (EC) No 1200/2009.
-- Name -- IrrigationMethodeValue -- Definition -- List the different methods of irrigation, according to EU regulation EC 1200/2009, annex III, chapter VIII.