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Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
download |
Online instructions provide the information necessary to acquire data |
download |
information |
Online instructions provide more information about the data |
information |
offlineAccess |
Online instructions provide the ability to transfer data from one storage device or system to another |
offlineAccess |
order |
Online instructions provide the ability to acquire data |
order |
search |
Online instructions provide the ability to seek out information about a dataset |
search |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
download |
Online instructions provide the information necessary to acquire data |
information |
Online instructions provide more information about the data |
offlineAccess |
Online instructions provide the ability to transfer data from one storage device or system to another |
order |
Online instructions provide the ability to acquire data |
search |
Online instructions provide the ability to seek out information about a dataset |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Code value |
download |
<undefined> |
information |
<undefined> |
offlineAccess |
<undefined> |
order |
<undefined> |
search |
<undefined> |
Vis CI_OnLineFunctionCode i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |
<undefined> |
1 ..1 |