Petroleumsvæsketype PetroleumFluidType VÆSKETYPE


Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket) Tilbaketrukket

flytende og gassformige hydrokarboner som finnes i naturlig tilstand i undergrunnen, samt andre stoffer som utvinnes i forbindelse med slike hydrokarboner.
liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons which are found in natural conditions in the subsurface, as well as other substances which are produced in connection with such hydrocarbons.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
Olje 1
Gass 2
Kondensat 3
Vann 4
Metanol 5
Glykol 6
Annet 7
Olje/Gass 8
Gass/Kondensat 9
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
1 Olje
2 Gass
3 Kondensat
4 Vann
5 Metanol
6 Glykol
7 Annet
8 Olje/Gass
9 Gass/Kondensat
Name Type Description Code value
Oil <undefined> Oil
Gas <undefined> Gas
Condensate <undefined> Condensate
Water <undefined> Water
Methanol <undefined> Methanol
Glycol <undefined> Glycol
Other <undefined> Other
Oil/Gas <undefined> Oil/Gas
Gas/Condensate <undefined> Gas/Condensate

Vis Petroleumsvæsketype i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1