

Kystverket Utkast

ISO 14688-1:2002
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
0 not defined 0
1 anchorages of high use for call of main national ports, large industrial ports and cruise destinations 1
2 anchorages frequently used for call of regional ports, and other important traffic-, industrial- or fishing ports 2
3 anchorages strategically important along main fairways, and anchorages for local ports 3
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
0 not defined
1 anchorages of high use for call of main national ports, large industrial ports and cruise destinations
2 anchorages frequently used for call of regional ports, and other important traffic-, industrial- or fishing ports
3 anchorages strategically important along main fairways, and anchorages for local ports
Name Description Code value

Vis PlanClassification i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1