
Kystverket Utkast

Kodeliste for fundament type for faste sjømerker. Ikke S-57 men basert på S-57 objekter.
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Pilar/Søyle Tilsvarer S-57 objekt PILPNT, engelsk <<pile>>. S-57 PILPNT Definition: Pile: A long heavy timber or section of steel, wood, concrete, etc. forced into the earth which may serve as a support, as for a pier, or a free standing pole within a marine environment. 1
Landemerke Tilsvarer S-57 objekt LNDMRK, engelsk <<landmark>>. S-57 LNDMRK definition: Landmark: A prominent object at a fixed location which can be used in determining a location or a direction. 2
Bygningspunkt Tilsvarer S-57 objekt BUISGL, engelsk <<building, single>>. S-57 BUISGL definition: A relatively permanent structure, roofed and usually walled. It is designed for some particular use which it may be important to indicate. 3
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
Pilar/Søyle Tilsvarer S-57 objekt PILPNT, engelsk &lt;&lt;pile&gt;&gt;. S-57 PILPNT Definition: Pile: A long heavy timber or section of steel, wood, concrete, etc. forced into the earth which may serve as a support, as for a pier, or a free standing pole within a marine environment.
Landemerke Tilsvarer S-57 objekt LNDMRK, engelsk &lt;&lt;landmark&gt;&gt;. S-57 LNDMRK definition: Landmark: A prominent object at a fixed location which can be used in determining a location or a direction.
Bygningspunkt Tilsvarer S-57 objekt BUISGL, engelsk &lt;&lt;building, single&gt;&gt;. S-57 BUISGL definition: A relatively permanent structure, roofed and usually walled. It is designed for some particular use which it may be important to indicate.
Name Type Description Code value
Stake <undefined> Stake
Post <undefined> Post
Bygningspunkt <undefined>

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Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1