Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
den delen av forekomsten som er dokumentert økonomisk utvinnbar.
The economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource.
-- Description --
It includes diluting materials and allowances for losses, which may occur when the material is mined. ‘Marketable Coal Reserves’ maybe reported in conjunction with, but not instead of, reports of Ore (Coal) Reserves. ‘Saleable product’ (e.g. for industrial minerals) can be reported in conjunction with ore reserve.
Synonyms: Ore Reserve; Coal Reserve (s); Diamond (or gemstone) Ore Reserve; Mineral Reserves (not preferred, should be stated that used to mean the same as JORC’s Ore Reserve); Mineable production estimates
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
reserveKategori |
graden av pålitelighet vedrørende estimeringen av reservene
1..1 |
MineralressursVurdering |
dato |
TM_GeometricPrimitive |
1..1 |
foreslåttUttaksmetode |
Category |
1..1 |
kildeReferanse |
kilden (referanse) til estimatberegningen
DocumentCitation |
1..* |
ressursEstimatMetode |
1..1 |
tonnasje |
hvor stor en mineralforekomst er, målt i tonnasje
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
volum |
mineralressursens størrelse, og som er benyttet i estimatvurderingen
1..1 |
- bredde |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
- dybde |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
- lengde |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
- område |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
Navn |
Type |
Lengde |
Multiplisitet |
TM_GeometricPrimitive |
1..1 |
Category |
1..1 |
DocumentCitation |
1..* |
1..1 |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
1..1 |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
dato |
TM_GeometricPrimitive |
date |
Date of calculated or estimated value.
-- Description --
This may be a single date or a range. |
foreslåttUttaksmetode |
Category |
proposedExtractionMethod |
The method proposed to extract the commodity.
kildeReferanse |
DocumentCitation |
sourceReference |
The reference for the OreMeasure values. |
ressursEstimatMetode |
resourceEstimatMethod |
Means of calculating the measurement.
-- Description --
EXAMPLE: JORC, PERC, Unspecified, UNESCO/World Bank and the Canadian CIM.
tonnasje |
QuantityRange |
ore |
Amount of ore. |
volum |
dimension |
Size of the body used in the calculation. |
- bredde |
QuantityRange |
The width of the Earth Resource.
- dybde |
QuantityRange |
The depth of the Earth Resource.
- lengde |
QuantityRange |
The length of the Earth Resource.
- område |
QuantityRange |
The area of the Earth Resource.
reserveKategori |
category |
The level of confidence of the estimate (proved, probable). |