RessursEstimatMetode ClassificationMethodUsedValue RESSURSESTIMATMETODE
Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
hvilket klassifikasjonssystem som er benyttet for å klassifisere/evaluere en mineralressurs eller mineralreserve
Codes indicating the means used to calculate the ore measurement.
-- Description --
EXAMPLE: JORC, PERC, Unspecified, UNESCO/World Bank and the Canadian CIM.
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
ikkeKlassifisertEtterStandard |
Term for resource estimation before "standard
codes" (e.g. JORC etc.) |
ikkeKlassifisertEtterStandard |
jorcCode |
The Australian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves (the ‘JORC Code’ or ‘the Code’) |
jorcCode |
ni43-101 |
National Instrument 43-101 (the "NI 43-101" or the
"NI") is a mineral resource classification scheme
used for the public disclosure of information
relating to mineral properties in Canada. The NI is
a strict guideline for how public companies can
disclose scientific and technical information about
mineral projects on bourses supervised by the
Canadian Securities Administrators |
ni43-101 |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
ikkeKlassifisertEtterStandard |
Term for resource estimation before "standard
codes" (e.g. JORC etc.) |
jorcCode |
The Australian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves (the ‘JORC Code’ or ‘the Code’) |
ni43-101 |
National Instrument 43-101 (the "NI 43-101" or the
"NI") is a mineral resource classification scheme
used for the public disclosure of information
relating to mineral properties in Canada. The NI is
a strict guideline for how public companies can
disclose scientific and technical information about
mineral projects on bourses supervised by the
Canadian Securities Administrators |
Name |
Description |
Code value |
NonCompliantResourceEstimate |
NonCompliantResourceEstimate |
jorcCode |
ni43-101 |