OpprinneligRessurs Endowment RAASTOFFTOTALAKTIVA
Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket)
størrelse på den opprinnelige ressursen. Inkluderer både tidligere uttak og gjenværende ressurser og reserver.
The quantity of a mineral (or a group of minerals for industrial rocks) in accumulations (deposits) meeting specified physical characteristics such as quality, size and depth.
-- Description --
Usually includes Resources, as unlike the latter, it does not have to have prospects for "eventual economic extraction". It often includes the total amount of a commodity originally introduced to a particular location during the deposit forming processes - and thus can include resources, reserves, past production and mining and metallurgical losses.
Egenskap |
Stereotype |
Beskrivelse |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
reserverInkludert |
indikerer hvorvidt verdiestimeringen inneholder verdisetting for reserver
Boolean |
1..1 |
ressurserInlkudert |
indikerer hvorvidt verdiestimeringen inneholder verdisetting som ressurs
Boolean |
1..1 |
MineralressursVurdering |
dato |
TM_GeometricPrimitive |
1..1 |
foreslåttUttaksmetode |
Category |
1..1 |
kildeReferanse |
kilden (referanse) til estimatberegningen
DocumentCitation |
1..* |
ressursEstimatMetode |
1..1 |
tonnasje |
hvor stor en mineralforekomst er, målt i tonnasje
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
volum |
mineralressursens størrelse, og som er benyttet i estimatvurderingen
1..1 |
- bredde |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
- dybde |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
- lengde |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
- område |
QuantityRange |
1..* |
Navn |
Type |
Lengde |
Multiplisitet |
TM_GeometricPrimitive |
1..1 |
Category |
1..1 |
DocumentCitation |
1..* |
1..1 |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
- |
QuantityRange |
1..1 |
Boolean |
1..1 |
Boolean |
1..1 |
Name |
Type |
English |
Description |
dato |
TM_GeometricPrimitive |
date |
Date of calculated or estimated value.
-- Description --
This may be a single date or a range. |
foreslåttUttaksmetode |
Category |
proposedExtractionMethod |
The method proposed to extract the commodity.
kildeReferanse |
DocumentCitation |
sourceReference |
The reference for the OreMeasure values. |
ressursEstimatMetode |
resourceEstimatMethod |
Means of calculating the measurement.
-- Description --
EXAMPLE: JORC, PERC, Unspecified, UNESCO/World Bank and the Canadian CIM.
tonnasje |
QuantityRange |
ore |
Amount of ore. |
volum |
dimension |
Size of the body used in the calculation. |
- bredde |
QuantityRange |
The width of the Earth Resource.
- dybde |
QuantityRange |
The depth of the Earth Resource.
- lengde |
QuantityRange |
The length of the Earth Resource.
- område |
QuantityRange |
The area of the Earth Resource.
reserverInkludert |
Boolean |
includesReserves |
A flag indicating if the estimate includes the reserves value. |
ressurserInlkudert |
Boolean |
includesResources |
A flag indicating if the estimate includes the resources value. |
Vis OpprinneligRessurs i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
Boolean |
1 ..1 |
Boolean |
1 ..1 |