

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

we need an attribute with the taxonomy (code), the taxonomy should be (natura2000 -> natureDirective code in SD spec) constraint: populationSize shall be used, if it is a specificNumericalCount the lowerbound and upperbound should be equal. Question to TWG, shall we adopt the same approach here?
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
abundanceCategory AbundanceCategoryValue (kodeliste) 0..1
code we need an attribute with the taxonomy (code), the taxonomy should be (natura2000) CharacterString 1..1
conservation SiteAssessmentValue (enumeration) 1..1
global SiteAssessmentValue (enumeration) 1..1
isolation SiteAssessmentValue (enumeration) 1..1
motivation MotivationValue (kodeliste) 0..*
nonPresenceInSite Boolean 0..1
population SiteAssessmentValue (enumeration) 1..1
scientificName CharacterString 1..1
speciesGroup SpeciesGroupValue (kodeliste) 1..1
occurrenceCategory -- Name -- occurrence category OccurrenceCategoryValue (kodeliste) 1..1
residencyStatus -- Name -- residency status ResidencyStatusValue (kodeliste) 0..1
populationSize -- Name -- population size PopulationSizeType (datatype) 0..1
- countingMethod -- Name -- counting method CountingMethodValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- countingUnit -- Name -- counting unit CountingUnitValue (kodeliste) 1..1
- populationSize -- Name -- population size RangeType (datatype) 1..1
sensitiveInfo -- Name -- sensitive info Boolean 0..1
populationType -- Name -- population type PopulationTypeValue (kodeliste) 0..1
collectedFrom -- Name -- collected from Date 1..1
collectedTo -- Name -- collected to Date 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
OccurrenceCategoryValue (kodeliste) 1..1
ResidencyStatusValue (kodeliste) 0..1
PopulationSizeType (datatype) 0..1
CountingMethodValue (kodeliste) 1..1
CountingUnitValue (kodeliste) 1..1
RangeType (datatype) 1..1
Boolean 0..1
PopulationTypeValue (kodeliste) 0..1
Date 1..1
Date 1..1
AbundanceCategoryValue 0..1
CharacterString 1..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1..1
MotivationValue 0..*
Boolean 0..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1..1
CharacterString 1..1
SpeciesGroupValue 1..1
Name Type English Description
occurrenceCategory OccurrenceCategoryValue (kodeliste) The species population density in the species distribution unit. -- Description -- A species abundance (population density) in classes (common, rare, very rare, present or absent) in an individual species distribution unit.
residencyStatus ResidencyStatusValue (kodeliste) Information on the status of residency of a species regarding nativeness versus introduction and permanency.
populationSize PopulationSizeType (datatype) A range value indicating the counted, estimated or calculated occurrences or population sizes, using an upper and a lower limit. -- Description -- A range density (or abundance) value for species occurrence in the individual species distribution units either counted, estimated or calculated based on defined counting units, or using upper and lower bounds.
- countingMethod CountingMethodValue (kodeliste) Method of providing a number for the indication of the abundance of a species within a specific species distribution unit. -- Description -- To obtain a density or abundance estimate the data set provider can either count, estimate or calculate the population abundance.
- countingUnit CountingUnitValue (kodeliste) What has been counted, estimated or calculated when compiling information on the abundance of a species within the species distribution unit. -- Description -- This parameter defines which species population units that has collected or retrieved. EXAMPLE Colonies, individuals, juvenile, larvae, pairs, shoals, shoots, tufts.
- populationSize RangeType (datatype) A range value indicating the counted, estimated or calculated occurrences or population sizes using upper and lower bounds. -- Description -- A range density (or abundance) value for species occurrence in the individual species distribution units either counted, estimated or calculated based on defined counting units, or using upper and lower bounds.
sensitiveInfo Boolean Boolean value that indicates whether the location of a specific species is sensitive. -- Description -- This can be used to filter out or generalize sensitive data. Generalized representation can be larger spatial objects e.g. grid cells. NOTE A species location e.g. breeding location, of vulnerable, endangered or protected species may by law be excluded from distribution or spatially generalised from detailed locations to lower resolutions in more extensive grid cells to avoid environmental crime.
populationType PopulationTypeValue (kodeliste) The permanency of populations, particularly with regard to migratory species within a given species distribution unit. -- Description -- Kind of species occurrence or population data that are collected. EXAMPLE Permanent, reproducing, concentration or wintering (for migratory species).
collectedFrom Date The date when the collecting of the original species occurrence data started. -- Description -- The starting date for the collection/registration of the primary species occurrence data.
collectedTo Date The date when the collecting of the original species occurrence data stopped. -- Description -- The last date for the collection/registration of the primary species occurrence data.
abundanceCategory AbundanceCategoryValue
code CharacterString
conservation SiteAssessmentValue
global SiteAssessmentValue
isolation SiteAssessmentValue
motivation MotivationValue
nonPresenceInSite Boolean
population SiteAssessmentValue
scientificName CharacterString
speciesGroup SpeciesGroupValue

Vis SpeciesPopulation i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
AbundanceCategoryValue 0 ..1
CharacterString 1 ..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1 ..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1 ..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1 ..1
MotivationValue 0 ..*
Boolean 0 ..1
SiteAssessmentValue 1 ..1
CharacterString 1 ..1
SpeciesGroupValue 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
arv subtype SpeciesPopulation supertype DistributionInfoType