

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- residency status value
Category of the residency of the occurrences or estimated population within a given aggregation unit. -- Description -- These values are used for Natura2000 (revised SDF). NOTE One or more categories of population may be listed in the dataset, giving population size of e.g. permanent and wintering populations.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
cultivated -- Name -- cultivated cultivated
extinct -- Name -- extinct extinct
introducedEstablished -- Name -- introduced established introducedEstablished
introducedImpermanent -- Name -- introduced impermanent introducedImpermanent
native -- Name -- native native
naturallyImpermanent -- Name -- naturally impermanent naturallyImpermanent
probablyExtinct -- Name -- probably extinct probablyExtinct
re-introducedOrTranslocated -- Name -- re-introduced or translocated re-introducedOrTranslocated
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
cultivated -- Name -- cultivated
extinct -- Name -- extinct
introducedEstablished -- Name -- introduced established
introducedImpermanent -- Name -- introduced impermanent
native -- Name -- native
naturallyImpermanent -- Name -- naturally impermanent
probablyExtinct -- Name -- probably extinct
re-introducedOrTranslocated -- Name -- re-introduced or translocated
Name Description Code value
cultivated Species is cultivated, not occurring in the wild.
extinct Species has been extincted.
introducedEstablished Species has been introduced and is reproducing with stable populations.
introducedImpermanent Species has been introduced, but has no stable, reproducing populations.
native Species is occuring natively.
naturallyImpermanent Species is naturally introduced (by natural migration), but has no stable, reproducing populations.
probablyExtinct Species has not been observed by recent surveys, but no positive proof of extinction is possible.
re-introducedOrTranslocated An extinct population of formerly native species has been re-introduced as a nature conservation measure.

Vis ResidencyStatusValue i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1
1 ..1