

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig

-- Name -- related party
An organisation or a person with a role related to a resource. -- Description -- NOTE 1 A party, typically an individual person, acting as a general point of contact for a resource can be specified without providing any particular role.
Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
individualName -- Name -- individual name PT_FreeText 0..1
organisationName -- Name -- organisation name PT_FreeText 0..1
positionName -- Name -- position name PT_FreeText 0..1
contact -- Name -- contact Contact (datatype) 0..1
- address AddressRepresentation (datatype) 0..1
- contactInstructions PT_FreeText 0..1
- electronicMailAddress CharacterString 0..1
- hoursOfService PT_FreeText 0..1
- telephoneFacsimile CharacterString 0..*
- telephoneVoice CharacterString 0..*
- website URL 0..1
role PartyRoleValue (kodeliste) 0..*
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
PT_FreeText 0..1
PT_FreeText 0..1
PT_FreeText 0..1
Contact 0..1
PartyRoleValue 0..*
Name Type English Description
individualName PT_FreeText Name of the related person.
organisationName PT_FreeText Name of the related organisation.
positionName PT_FreeText Position of the party in relation to a resource, such as head of department.
contact Contact Contact information for the related party.
role PartyRoleValue Role(s) of the party in relation to a resource, such as owner.

Vis RelatedParty i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
PT_FreeText 0 ..1
PT_FreeText 0 ..1
PT_FreeText 0 ..1
Contact 0 ..1
PartyRoleValue 0 ..*
Navn Beskrivelse
individual, organisation or position name shall be provided /*At least the individual, organisation or position name shall be provided.*/ inv: individualName->notEmpty() or organisationName->notEmpty() or positionName->notEmpty()