Radiofyrtype CategoryOfRadioStation RADIO_FYR_TYPE


Kystverket Utkast

Merknad: S-57 CATROS
The category of the radio station. Note: S-57 CATROS men de fleste radiofyrtypene som er definert på kodelisten er ikke brukt lenger, i Norge.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
Differensiell GPS   10
Loran C S-57 CATROS: Loran C Definition: Loran-C is a low frequency electronic position fixing system using pulsed transmissions at 100 Khz. 9
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
10 Differensiell GPS  
10 Loran C S-57 CATROS: Loran C Definition: Loran-C is a low frequency electronic position fixing system using pulsed transmissions at 100 Khz.
Name Type Description Code value
Differential GPS <undefined> Differential GPS
Differential GPS <undefined> Differential GPS

Vis Radiofyrtype i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
<undefined> 1 ..1
<undefined> 1 ..1