

Norsk institutt for naturforskning Gyldig

Egenskap Stereotype Beskrivelse Type Multiplisitet
speciesNorwegianName SpeciesNorwegianName (kodeliste) 1..1
scientificName SpeciesLatinName (kodeliste) 1..1
speciesEnglishName SpeciesEnglishName (kodeliste) 1..1
estimatedValue Integer 1..1
estimatedYear Integer 1..1
season Season (kodeliste) 1..1
fromYear Integer 1..1
toYear Integer 1..1
lastCount Integer 1..1
unit Unit (kodeliste) 1..1
locality CharacterString 1..1
locationNumber Integer 1..1
municipality Name of municipalities according to official list from Statistics Norway. CharacterString 1..1
municipalityNumber Numbering of municipalities according to official list from Statistics Norway. CharacterString 1..1
position Location where the object exists. Punkt 1..1
Navn Type Lengde Multiplisitet
LOCALITY CharacterString 300 1..1
LOCATION_NUMBER Integer 4 1..1
MUNICIPALITY CharacterString 50 1..1
MUNICIPALITY_NUMBER CharacterString 4 1..1
Punkt Punkt 1..1
SPECIES_NORWEGIAN_NAME SpeciesNorwegianName 30 1..1
SPECIES_LATIN_NAME SpeciesLatinName 30 1..1
SPECIES_ENGLISH_NAME SpeciesEnglishName 30 1..1
ESTIMATED_VALUE Integer 6 1..1
ESTIMATED_YEAR Integer 4 1..1
SEASON Season 6 1..1
FROM_YEAR Integer 4 1..1
TO_YEAR Integer 4 1..1
LAST_COUNT Integer 6 1..1
Unit 1..1
Name Type English Description
locality CharacterString lokalitet
locationNumber Integer lokalitetsnummer
municipality CharacterString kommune
municipalityNumber CharacterString kommunenummer
position Punkt position
speciesNorwegianName SpeciesNorwegianName artsnavnNorsk
scientificName SpeciesLatinName artsnavnLatinsk
speciesEnglishName SpeciesEnglishName artsnavnNorsk
estimatedValue Integer bergnetBestand
estimatedYear Integer beregnetÅr
season Season sesong
fromYear Integer fraÅr
toYear Integer tilÅr
lastCount Integer sisteTelling
unit Unit enhet

Vis BirdSpeciesProperties i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
SpeciesNorwegianName 1 ..1
SpeciesLatinName 1 ..1
SpeciesEnglishName 1 ..1
Integer 1 ..1
Integer 1 ..1
Season 1 ..1
Integer 1 ..1
Integer 1 ..1
Integer 1 ..1
Unit 1 ..1
Assosiasjonstype Navn Kilde Destinasjon
arv subtype Svartbak supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Alke supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Lunde supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Havsule supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Polarlomvi supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Rødnebbterne supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Sildemåke supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Storskarv supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Tyvjo supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype BirdSpeciesProperties supertype LocationProperties
arv subtype Krykkje supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Fiskemåke supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Teist supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Gråmåke supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Ærfugl supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Toppskarv supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Havhest supertype BirdSpeciesProperties
arv subtype Lomvi supertype BirdSpeciesProperties