Inspire revision 4711
-- Name --
spatial data theme
grouping of spatial data according to Annex I, II and III of the INSPIRE Directive
-- Description --
SOURCE [INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model]
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
Kodeverdi |
AC |
-- Name --
Atmospheric conditions |
AC |
AD |
-- Name --
Addresses |
AD |
AF |
-- Name --
Agricultural and aquacultural facilities |
AF |
AM |
-- Name --
Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units |
AM |
AU |
-- Name --
Administrative units |
AU |
BR |
-- Name --
Bio-geographical regions |
BR |
BU |
-- Name --
Buildings |
BU |
CP |
-- Name --
Cadastral parcels |
CP |
EF |
-- Name --
Environmental monitoring facilities |
EF |
EL |
-- Name --
Elevation |
EL |
ER |
-- Name --
Energy resources |
ER |
GE |
-- Name --
Geology |
GE |
GG |
-- Name --
Geographical grid systems |
GG |
GN |
-- Name --
Geographical names |
GN |
HB |
-- Name --
Habitats and biotopes |
HB |
HH |
-- Name --
Human health and safety |
HH |
HY |
-- Name --
Hydrography |
HY |
LC |
-- Name --
Land cover |
LC |
LU |
-- Name --
Land use |
LU |
MF |
-- Name --
Meteorological geographical features |
MF |
MR |
-- Name --
Mineral resources |
MR |
NZ |
-- Name --
Natural risk zones |
NZ |
OF |
-- Name --
Oceanographic geographical features |
OF |
OI |
-- Name --
Orthoimagery |
OI |
PD |
-- Name --
Population distribution, demography |
PD |
PF |
-- Name --
Production and industrial facilities |
PF |
PS |
-- Name --
Protected sites |
PS |
SD |
-- Name --
Species distribution |
SD |
SO |
-- Name --
Soil |
SO |
SR |
-- Name --
Sea regions |
SR |
SU |
-- Name --
Statistical units |
SU |
TN |
-- Name --
Transport networks |
TN |
US |
-- Name --
Utility and governmental services |
US |
Verdi |
Navn |
Beskrivelse |
AC |
-- Name --
Atmospheric conditions |
AD |
-- Name --
Addresses |
AF |
-- Name --
Agricultural and aquacultural facilities |
AM |
-- Name --
Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units |
AU |
-- Name --
Administrative units |
BR |
-- Name --
Bio-geographical regions |
BU |
-- Name --
Buildings |
CP |
-- Name --
Cadastral parcels |
EF |
-- Name --
Environmental monitoring facilities |
EL |
-- Name --
Elevation |
ER |
-- Name --
Energy resources |
GE |
-- Name --
Geology |
GG |
-- Name --
Geographical grid systems |
GN |
-- Name --
Geographical names |
HB |
-- Name --
Habitats and biotopes |
HH |
-- Name --
Human health and safety |
HY |
-- Name --
Hydrography |
LC |
-- Name --
Land cover |
LU |
-- Name --
Land use |
MF |
-- Name --
Meteorological geographical features |
MR |
-- Name --
Mineral resources |
NZ |
-- Name --
Natural risk zones |
OF |
-- Name --
Oceanographic geographical features |
OI |
-- Name --
Orthoimagery |
PD |
-- Name --
Population distribution, demography |
PF |
-- Name --
Production and industrial facilities |
PS |
-- Name --
Protected sites |
SD |
-- Name --
Species distribution |
SO |
-- Name --
Soil |
SR |
-- Name --
Sea regions |
SU |
-- Name --
Statistical units |
TN |
-- Name --
Transport networks |
US |
-- Name --
Utility and governmental services |
Name |
Description |
Code value |
AC |
AD |
AF |
AM |
AU |
BR |
BU |
CP |
EF |
EL |
ER |
GE |
GG |
GN |
HB |
HH |
HY |
LC |
LU |
MF |
MR |
NZ |
OF |
OI |
PD |
PF |
PS |
SD |
SO |
SR |
SU |
TN |
US |
Vis ThemeValue i NVDB Datakatalog
Id |
Navn |
Type |
Multiplisitet |
1 ..1 |
1 ..1 |
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