Grunneiendom LandedProperty


Standardiseringssekretariatet (Kartverket) Erstattet

eiendom som er avgrenset ved eiendomsgrenser på jordoverflaten og som strekker seg loddrett nedover i grunnen og oppover i luften som privat eiendomsrett rekker etter alminnelige regler
property which is defined by property boundaries on the surface of the earth and which extend vertically down into the ground and up into the air according to the general rules of private property. Landed property is the most common type of cadastral unit and is also called a holding. It has no lease number or section number. Normally created in connection with conveyance of part of a title. Note §6a of the Act relating to Land Registers (the Cadaster Law??) states that landed property can be established as as separate cadastral unit.

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