Spesialmerketype CategoryOfSpecialPurposeMark SPESIALMERKETYPE


Kystverket Utkast

Kodeliste for spesialmerketype S-57 CATSPM, men uten kodeverdi 13 for private bøyer.
Navn Beskrivelse Kodeverdi
Faste sjømerker i skyteområde 1
Målbøye S-57 CATSPM: target mark. Definition: any object toward which something is directed.the distinctive marking or instrumentation of a ground point to aid its identification on a photograph. 2
Målfartøy merke S-57 CATSPM: marker ship mark. Definition: a mark marking the position of a ship which is used as a target during some military exercise. 3
Bøye i område for avmagnetisering S-57 CATSPM: degaussing range mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a degaussing range. 4
Pram, lekter merke S-57 CATSPM: barge mark. Definition: a mark of relevance to barges. 5
Kabelbøye S-57 CATSPM: cable mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the position of submarine cables or the point at which they run on to the land. 6
Bøye ved utfylling S-57 CATSPM: spoil ground mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the limit of a spoil ground. 7
Bøye ved avløpsledning S-57 CATSPM: outfall mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the position of an outfall or the point at which it leaves the land. 8
ODAS: Stor oseanografisk bøye for datainnsamling S-57 CATSPM: ODAS. Definition: Ocean Data Acquisition System. 9
Bølgemåler, strømmåler S-57 CATSPM: recording mark. Definition: a mark used to record data for scientific purposes. 10
Ankringsbøye for sjøfly S-57 CATSPM: seaplane anchorage mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a seaplane anchorage. 11
Bøye som markerer rekreasjonsområde S-57 CATSPM: recreation zone mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a recreation zone. 12
Fortøyningsmerke S-57 CATSPM: mooring mark. Definition: a mark indicating a mooring or moorings. 14
Superbøye (LANBY - Large Automatic Navigational Buoy) S-57 CATSPM: LANBY. Definition: a large buoy designed to take the place of a lightship where construction of an offshore light station is not feasible. 15
Overrettmerke S-57 CATSPM: leading mark. Definition: aids to navigation or other indicators so located as to indicate the path to be followed. Leading marks identify a leading line when they are in transit. 16
Sjømerker som markerer fartsmil S-57 CATSPM: measured distance mark. Definiton: a mark forming part of a transit indicating one end of a measured distance 17
Informasjonstavle S-57 CATSPM: notice mark. Definition: a notice board or sign indicating information to the mariner. 18
Bøye i trafikkseparasjonssystem S-57 CATSPM: TSS Mark. Definition: a notice board or sign indicating information to the mariner. 19
Anchoring prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: anchoring prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating an anchoring prohibited area. 20
Berthing prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: berthing prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating that berthing is prohibited. 21
Overtaking prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: overtaking prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating that overtaking is prohibited. 22
Two-way traffic prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: two-way traffic prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating a one-way route. 23
Reduced wake mark S-57 CATSPM: reduced wake mark. Definition: a mark indicating that vessels must not generate excessive wake. 24
Speed limit mark S-57 CATSPM: speed limit mark. Definition: a mark indicating that a speed limit applies. 25
Stop mark S-57 CATSPM: stop mark. Definition: a mark indicating the place where the bow of a ship must stop when traffic lights show red. 26
General warning mark S-57 CATSPM: general warning mark. Definition: a mark indicating that special caution must be exercised in the vicinity of the mark. 27
Sound ship´s siren mark S-57 CATSPM: ‘Sound Ship’s siren’ mark. Definition: a mark indicating that a ship should sound its siren or horn. 28
Restricted vertical clearance mark S-57 CATSPM: restricted vertical clearance mark. Definition: a mark indicating the minimum vertical space available for passage. 29
Maximum vessels draught mark S-57 CATSPM: maximum vessel’s draught mark. Definition: a mark indicating the maximum draught of vessel permitted. 30
Restricted horizontal clearance mark S-57 CATSPM: restricted horizontal clearance mark. Definition: a mark indicating the minimum horizontal space available for passage. 31
Strong current warning mark S-57 CATSPM: strong current warning mark. Definition: a mark warning of strong currents. 32
Berthing permitted mark S-57 CATSPM: berthing permitted mark. Definition: a mark indicating that berthing is allowed. 33
Overhead power cable mark S-57 CATSPM: overhead power cable mark. Definition: a mark indicating an overhead power cable. 34
Channel edge gradient mark S-57 CATSPM: ‘channel edge gradient’ mark. Definition: a mark indicating the gradient of the slope of a dredge channel edge. 35
Telephone mark 36
Ferry crossing mark S-57 CATSPM: Ferry crossing mark. Definition: a mark indicating that a ferry route crosses the ship route; often used with a ‘sound ship’s siren’ mark. 37
Marine traffic lights (utgått fra S57) S-57 CATSPM: Marine traffic lights. 38
Pipeline mark S-57 CATSPM: Pipeline mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the position of submarine pipelines or the point at which they run on to the land. 39
Anchorage mark S-57 CATSPM: Anchorage mark. Definition: a mark indicating an anchorage area. 40
Varder/båker som friseilingslinje, peilingslinje S-57 CATSPM: Clearing mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a clearing line. 41
Kontrollmerke S-57 CATSPM: Control mark. Definition: a mark indicating the location at which a restriction or requirement exists. 42
Diving mark S-57 CATSPM: Diving mark. Definition: a mark indicating that diving may take place in the vicinity. 43
Sjømerke for tilfluktsted for skipbrudne S-57 CATSPM: refuge beacon. Definition: a mark providing or indicating a place of safety. 44
Foul ground mark (yachting) S-57 CATSPM: foul ground mark. Definition: a mark indicating a foul ground. 45
Yachting mark (kan brukes av SKSK) S-57 CATSPM: Yachting mark. Definition: a mark installed for use by yachtsmen. 46
Heliport merke S-57 CATSPM: heliport mark. Definition: a mark indicating an area where helicopters may land. 47
GPS merke S-57 CATSPM: GPS mark. Definition: a mark indicating a location at which a GPS position has been accurately determined. 48
Seaplane landing mark S-57 CATSPM: Seaplane landing mark. Definition: a mark indicating an area where sea-planes land. 49
Entry prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: Entry prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating that entry is prohibited. 50
Work in progress mark S-57 CATSPM: Work in progress mark. Definition: a mark indicating that work (generally construction) is in progress. 51
Merke med ukjent formål S-57 CATSPM: mark with unknown purpose. Definition: a mark whose detailed characteristics are unknown. 52
Brønnhodemerke S-57 CATSPM: wellhead mark. Definition: a mark indicating a borehole that produces or is capable of producing oil or natural gas. 53
Channel separation mark S-57 CATSPM: Channel separation mark. Definition: a mark indicating the point at which a channel divides separately into two channels. 54
Akvakulturanleggmerke S-57 CATSPM: marine farm mark. Definition: a mark indicating the existence of a fish, mussel, oyster or pearl farm/ culture. 55
Kunstig rev merke S-57 CATSPM: artificial reef mark. Definition: a mark indicating the existence or the extent of an artificial reef. 56
Verdi Navn Beskrivelse
1 Faste sjømerker i skyteområde
2 Målbøye S-57 CATSPM: target mark. Definition: any object toward which something is directed.the distinctive marking or instrumentation of a ground point to aid its identification on a photograph.
3 Målfartøy merke S-57 CATSPM: marker ship mark. Definition: a mark marking the position of a ship which is used as a target during some military exercise.
4 Bøye i område for avmagnetisering S-57 CATSPM: degaussing range mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a degaussing range.
5 Pram, lekter merke S-57 CATSPM: barge mark. Definition: a mark of relevance to barges.
6 Kabelbøye S-57 CATSPM: cable mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the position of submarine cables or the point at which they run on to the land.
7 Bøye ved utfylling S-57 CATSPM: spoil ground mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the limit of a spoil ground.
8 Bøye ved avløpsledning S-57 CATSPM: outfall mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the position of an outfall or the point at which it leaves the land.
9 ODAS: Stor oseanografisk bøye for datainnsamling S-57 CATSPM: ODAS. Definition: Ocean Data Acquisition System.
10 Bølgemåler, strømmåler S-57 CATSPM: recording mark. Definition: a mark used to record data for scientific purposes.
11 Ankringsbøye for sjøfly S-57 CATSPM: seaplane anchorage mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a seaplane anchorage.
12 Bøye som markerer rekreasjonsområde S-57 CATSPM: recreation zone mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a recreation zone.
14 Fortøyningsmerke S-57 CATSPM: mooring mark. Definition: a mark indicating a mooring or moorings.
15 Superbøye (LANBY - Large Automatic Navigational Buoy) S-57 CATSPM: LANBY. Definition: a large buoy designed to take the place of a lightship where construction of an offshore light station is not feasible.
16 Overrettmerke S-57 CATSPM: leading mark. Definition: aids to navigation or other indicators so located as to indicate the path to be followed. Leading marks identify a leading line when they are in transit.
17 Sjømerker som markerer fartsmil S-57 CATSPM: measured distance mark. Definiton: a mark forming part of a transit indicating one end of a measured distance
18 Informasjonstavle S-57 CATSPM: notice mark. Definition: a notice board or sign indicating information to the mariner.
19 Bøye i trafikkseparasjonssystem S-57 CATSPM: TSS Mark. Definition: a notice board or sign indicating information to the mariner.
20 Anchoring prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: anchoring prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating an anchoring prohibited area.
21 Berthing prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: berthing prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating that berthing is prohibited.
22 Overtaking prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: overtaking prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating that overtaking is prohibited.
23 Two-way traffic prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: two-way traffic prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating a one-way route.
24 Reduced wake mark S-57 CATSPM: reduced wake mark. Definition: a mark indicating that vessels must not generate excessive wake.
25 Speed limit mark S-57 CATSPM: speed limit mark. Definition: a mark indicating that a speed limit applies.
26 Stop mark S-57 CATSPM: stop mark. Definition: a mark indicating the place where the bow of a ship must stop when traffic lights show red.
27 General warning mark S-57 CATSPM: general warning mark. Definition: a mark indicating that special caution must be exercised in the vicinity of the mark.
28 Sound ship´s siren mark S-57 CATSPM: ‘Sound Ship’s siren’ mark. Definition: a mark indicating that a ship should sound its siren or horn.
29 Restricted vertical clearance mark S-57 CATSPM: restricted vertical clearance mark. Definition: a mark indicating the minimum vertical space available for passage.
30 Maximum vessels draught mark S-57 CATSPM: maximum vessel’s draught mark. Definition: a mark indicating the maximum draught of vessel permitted.
31 Restricted horizontal clearance mark S-57 CATSPM: restricted horizontal clearance mark. Definition: a mark indicating the minimum horizontal space available for passage.
32 Strong current warning mark S-57 CATSPM: strong current warning mark. Definition: a mark warning of strong currents.
33 Berthing permitted mark S-57 CATSPM: berthing permitted mark. Definition: a mark indicating that berthing is allowed.
34 Overhead power cable mark S-57 CATSPM: overhead power cable mark. Definition: a mark indicating an overhead power cable.
35 Channel edge gradient mark S-57 CATSPM: ‘channel edge gradient’ mark. Definition: a mark indicating the gradient of the slope of a dredge channel edge.
36 Telephone mark
37 Ferry crossing mark S-57 CATSPM: Ferry crossing mark. Definition: a mark indicating that a ferry route crosses the ship route; often used with a ‘sound ship’s siren’ mark.
38 Marine traffic lights (utgått fra S57) S-57 CATSPM: Marine traffic lights.
39 Pipeline mark S-57 CATSPM: Pipeline mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate the position of submarine pipelines or the point at which they run on to the land.
40 Anchorage mark S-57 CATSPM: Anchorage mark. Definition: a mark indicating an anchorage area.
41 Varder/båker som friseilingslinje, peilingslinje S-57 CATSPM: Clearing mark. Definition: a mark used to indicate a clearing line.
42 Kontrollmerke S-57 CATSPM: Control mark. Definition: a mark indicating the location at which a restriction or requirement exists.
43 Diving mark S-57 CATSPM: Diving mark. Definition: a mark indicating that diving may take place in the vicinity.
44 Sjømerke for tilfluktsted for skipbrudne S-57 CATSPM: refuge beacon. Definition: a mark providing or indicating a place of safety.
45 Foul ground mark (yachting) S-57 CATSPM: foul ground mark. Definition: a mark indicating a foul ground.
46 Yachting mark (kan brukes av SKSK) S-57 CATSPM: Yachting mark. Definition: a mark installed for use by yachtsmen.
47 Heliport merke S-57 CATSPM: heliport mark. Definition: a mark indicating an area where helicopters may land.
48 GPS merke S-57 CATSPM: GPS mark. Definition: a mark indicating a location at which a GPS position has been accurately determined.
49 Seaplane landing mark S-57 CATSPM: Seaplane landing mark. Definition: a mark indicating an area where sea-planes land.
50 Entry prohibited mark S-57 CATSPM: Entry prohibited mark. Definition: a mark indicating that entry is prohibited.
51 Work in progress mark S-57 CATSPM: Work in progress mark. Definition: a mark indicating that work (generally construction) is in progress.
52 Merke med ukjent formål S-57 CATSPM: mark with unknown purpose. Definition: a mark whose detailed characteristics are unknown.
52 Brønnhodemerke S-57 CATSPM: wellhead mark. Definition: a mark indicating a borehole that produces or is capable of producing oil or natural gas.
52 Channel separation mark S-57 CATSPM: Channel separation mark. Definition: a mark indicating the point at which a channel divides separately into two channels.
52 Akvakulturanleggmerke S-57 CATSPM: marine farm mark. Definition: a mark indicating the existence of a fish, mussel, oyster or pearl farm/ culture.
52 Kunstig rev merke S-57 CATSPM: artificial reef mark. Definition: a mark indicating the existence or the extent of an artificial reef.
Name Type Description Code value
Firing danger area mark <undefined> Firing danger area mark
Target mark <undefined> Target mark
Marker ship mark <undefined> Marker ship mark
Degaussing range mark <undefined> Degaussing range mark
Barge mark <undefined> Barge mark
Cable mark <undefined> Cable mark
Spoil ground mark <undefined> Spoil ground mark
Outfall mark <undefined> Outfall mark
ODAS(OceanData Acquisition System) <undefined> ODAS(OceanData Acquisition System)
Recording mark <undefined> Recording mark
Seaplane anchorage mark <undefined> Seaplane anchorage mark
Recreation zone mark <undefined> Recreation zone mark
Mooring mark <undefined> Mooring mark
LANBY - Large Automatic Navigational Buoy <undefined> LANBY - Large Automatic Navigational Buoy
Leading mark <undefined> Leading mark
Measured distance mark <undefined> Measured distance mark
Notice mark <undefined> Notice mark
TSS mark (Traffic Separation Scheme) <undefined> TSS mark (Traffic Separation Scheme)
Anchoring prohibited mark <undefined> Anchoring prohibited mark
Berthing prohibited mark <undefined> Berthing prohibited mark
Overtaking prohibited mark <undefined> Overtaking prohibited mark
Two-way traffic prohibited mark <undefined> Two-way traffic prohibited mark
Reduced wake mark <undefined> Reduced wake mark
Speed limit mark <undefined> Speed limit mark
Stop mark <undefined> Stop mark
General warning mark <undefined> General warning mark
Sound ship´s siren mark <undefined>
Restricted vertical clearance mark <undefined> Restricted vertical clearance mark
Maximum vessels draught mark <undefined> Maximum vessels draught mark
Restricted horizontal clearance mark <undefined> Restricted horizontal clearance mark
Strong current warning mark <undefined> Strong current warning mark
Berthing permitted mark <undefined> Berthing permitted mark
Overhead power cable mark <undefined> Overhead power cable mark
Channel edge gradient mark <undefined> Channel edge gradient mark
Telephone mark <undefined> Telephone mark
Ferry crossing mark <undefined> Ferry crossing mark
Marine traffic lights (discontinued from S-57) <undefined> Marine traffic lights (discontinued from S-57)
Pipeline mark <undefined> Pipeline mark
Anchorage mark <undefined> Anchorage mark
Clearing mark <undefined> Clearing mark
Control mark <undefined> Control mark
Diving mark <undefined> Diving mark
Refuge beacon <undefined> Refuge beacon
Foul ground mark <undefined> Foul ground mark
Yachting <undefined> Yachting
Heliport mark <undefined> Heliport mark
GPS mark <undefined> GPS mark
Seaplane landing mark <undefined> Seaplane landing mark
Entry prohibited mark <undefined> Entry prohibited mark
Work in progress mark <undefined> Work in progress mark
Mark with unknown purpose <undefined> Mark with unknown purpose
Mark with unknown purpose <undefined> Mark with unknown purpose
Mark with unknown purpose <undefined> Mark with unknown purpose
Mark with unknown purpose <undefined> Mark with unknown purpose
Mark with unknown purpose <undefined> Mark with unknown purpose

Vis Spesialmerketype i NVDB Datakatalog

Id Navn Type Multiplisitet
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