
Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 4.0


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MineralOccurrence objekttype

-- Definition -- A mineral accumulation in the lithosphere.

MiningActivity objekttype

-- Definition -- The process of extracting metallic, non-metallic mineral, or industrial rock deposits from the Earth. -- Description -- The term may also include preliminary treatment eg. cleaning or sizing.

Commodity objekttype

-- Definition -- The material of economic interest in the EarthResource

MiningFeatureOccurrence objekttype

-- Definition -- A spatial representation of a MiningFeature. -- Description -- A MiningFeatureOccurrence provides a link between a notional feature (description package) and one spatial representation of it, or part of it. The MiningFeatureOccurrence carries a geometry and the association with a Mining Feature provides specification of all the other descriptors.

Mine objekttype

-- Definition -- An excavation carried out for the extraction of mineral deposits. -- Description -- ‘True’ mines are underground workings and open-pit workings (also called open-sky mines) generally for the extraction of metallic commodities. The Mine feature also includes open workings generally for the extraction of industrial minerals, commonly referred to as quarries.

MiningFeature objekttype

-- Definition -- Spatial object type grouping the common properties of mines and mining activities.

EarthResource objekttype

-- Definition -- The kinds of observable or inferred phenomena required to classify economic and non-economic earth resources.

ExplorationActivity objekttype

-- Definition -- A period of exploration activity.