Observable Properties

Inspire revision 4711 Gyldig 3.0


Beskrivelse: -- Definition -- Application Schema for Observable Properties

Navnerom: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omop/3.0

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OtherConstraint datatype

-- Name -- Other Constraint -- Definition -- A constraint, not modelled in a structured way, but may be described using the freetext 'description' attribute.

Constraint datatype

-- Name -- Constraint -- Definition -- A constraint on some property e.g. wavelength = 200nm. -- Description -- A constraint on some property e.g. wavelength = 200nm. This property is typically not the same property as the base phenomenon of the observed property. e.g. the observed property has a base phenomenon 'radiance'. a constraint is added to say 'wavelength = 200nm' So the overall ObservableProperty which is represented is 'radiance where wavelength = 200nm' The Constraint class is specialised into several specific classes covering Scalar, Range and Categorical constraints

RangeConstraint datatype

-- Name -- Range Constraint -- Definition -- A numerical range constraint on some property e.g. wavelength >=300nm and wavelength <=600nm -- Description -- A numerical range constraint on some property e.g. wavelength >=300nm and wavelength <=600nm e.g. To be used when data is observed in particular bands or groupings based on a numerical quantity.

RangeBounds datatype

-- Name -- Range Bounds -- Definition -- The start and end bounding values of a numerical range (e.g. start >=50, end <=99)

CategoryConstraint datatype

-- Name -- Category Constraint -- Definition -- A constraint based on some qualifying category. e..g colour = 'Red'. -- Description -- A constraint based on some qualifying category. e..g colour = 'Red'. The value ('Red') of the constraint ('colour') can be any string, although it may be desirable to constrain this in particular application domains.

ScalarConstraint datatype

-- Name -- Scalar Constraint -- Definition -- A numerical scalar constraint on some property e.g. length >= 1m -- Description -- A scalar constraint on some property e.g. length >= 1m